
KACE SDA - Adding Clients to AD Groups during deployment

Hi All, 

you are right here if you are looking for a solution to add your Windows Clients to AD groups during the inital deployment.

First i have to say the main script is written by OneScript Team.
I only added a short AutoIt wrapper to start this tool as a user which has the rights in the AD to add the actual client to the selected security group(s). 

Why did i use an AutoIt Wrapper? Because the Username and Password will not be stored as plaintext in the task.xml during the postinstallation task sequence. 

And that's the whole magic:
You only have to edit the script in the red marked square to your enviroment credentials. Then compile it via AutoIt SciTE and you will get an executable. 

After that you have to zip the VBS (AddGroup.vbs) and the executable to a normal compressed .zip file without password. 
Upload it afterwards to your SDA Postinstall-Tasks:

Now you are done. You can add all securitygroup names seperated by a space as an argument to the executable. So you are able to create different sets of joining ad groups in one task. 

If you have any problems or question reach out to me in the comments or contact me by mail (included in the AutoIt-Script). 

You can download my AutoIt Script together with the AddGroup.vbs from OneScript Team: Here

Please note that this is a selfmate script without vendor support.

Kind Regards


  • Timo,

    I know this is 3 years old, but does this still work? The link to your script and the vbs file appear to no longer work. - Dirkalot 3 years ago
  • Hey There!

    Any chance you would be able to provide updated images and/or a new link to the script for this? This is exactly what I am needing and would be extremely helpful!

    Thanks! - cnewberry 6 months ago
    • Hi, I reposted this blog with the pictures and the download link. To download the files you need to add your Quest Support account to your ITNinja profile that you can link in the ITNinja profile settings. Let me know if you need anything else. The new link is https://www.itninja.com/blog/view/kace-sda-adding-clients-to-ad-groups-during-deployment-repost - sven.hain 6 months ago
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