
ACT and Softgrid

Has anyone used the Application Compatibility Tool to determine if an app is a candidate for sequencing?

Any value?


I've been digging through the documentation for ACT and I don't see any reference to Softgrid. My contact at Microsoft says it has a sequencing evaluator in it. I don't see it.

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Answers (10)

Posted by: BadShadd 16 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
I'm not familar with a tool with this capability, but I'd like to learn more.
Posted by: randhir 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
ACT -> nowadays used for Vista .

But this one new to me.........
Posted by: turbokitty 15 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt
Yeah, I contacted the MDOP rep at Microsoft and apparently M$ is in the process of documenting some process around using ACT 5.0 to evaluate the candidacy of apps for sequencing. Right now, it's not spelled out anywhere.

I'll let you know more once I do.
Posted by: BadShadd 15 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
I'll be seeing a MDOP rep on Friday doing his roadshow & promoting the Kidaro product being introduced to the newest MDOP update. I'll ask him as well.
Posted by: BadShadd 15 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
I just got word back that we might be mixing apples & oranges - he believes that this was a toolkit developed for Vista compatibility use & not necessarily with App-V, but he's checking into it.

On another note, [font="times new roman"]I was just searching / reading during lunch & found a TS Application Analyzer (beta) article <[font="times new roman"]http://blogs.technet.com/virtualworld/archive/2008/06/24/terminal-services-application-analyzer-beta.aspx[font="times new roman"]> for determining application compatibility on terminal server’s written by an ‘App-V Legend’ Madelinde Walraven. I’m wondering if someone confused / rewrote what they thought they saw.
Posted by: kkaminsk 15 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Didn't think ACT had anything to do with that. I've recently partnered with App-DNA (logo not on website yet) who does evaluate against SoftGrid.
Posted by: turbokitty 15 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt
Tell us more about this App-DNA Kevin.

Yeah, I know ACT is for Vista, but I challenged our MDOP rep and he insisted that ACT can be leveraged for Softgrid app evaluation. I still think he's out to lunch, but he says they're developing documentation around it so, who knows.
Posted by: kkaminsk 15 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
As far as I know ACT can only test against known issues regarding Vista, IE and patches since that is what it's rule set is designed to test against. It wouldn't be too difficult to add additional logic to ACT for SoftGrid compatibility assessment but I've heard that ACT is only going to be about 60% accurate regarding run time / install time issue analysis using the toolkit but that's an unofficial stat I heard.

As you can see Microsoft is somewhat promoting the App-DNA solution (or at least as much as MS will promote vendor).

Version 2.5 of AppTitude came out today and I think it is a unique product because of it's ability to perform a rapid assessment of applications so you don't need the SME or someone who lacks knowledge of the application to be performing a functionality test. There are other features to the app such as producing a SoftGrid sequence or MSI at the end and documentation of the installation process. I think it's a very unique product and is an ideal fit for those needing a rapid analysis without spending the time and money on a traditional and more labor intensive process. This solution as with any application compatibility testing framework / tool is not 100% accurate but you have to look at the goal of the assessment and 100% accuracy shouldn't be a deliverable though a high level of accuracy should be one of them.
Posted by: turbokitty 15 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt
Interesting indeed. I'm in the middle of three projects, an MSI conversion project, a Softgrid sequencing project, and a Vista readiness project. It seems like this tool would be an excellent fit for each.
Are you reselling it? Can you get my hands on a functioning demo?
Posted by: kkaminsk 15 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Sure, I'll get a hold of ya.
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