
Authenticate to a Domain using VBScript

I'm trying to find some example code on how to authenticate to a server, or domain using VBScripting. Does anyone have any sample code they could donate? Thanks

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Aaron 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
You will need to use ADSI for this, but first I have a question. Is the authentication being done from a web application like an ASP page?
Posted by: lldan 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Actually this is going to be for a file copy function. I need to authenticate to \\server\shared prior to the file copy. I can do this with a batch file, but I want to get away from those and start using vbscripting. This is going to be done using a GPO login script (machine). Hope this info is a little more clear. Thanks for the response.
Posted by: TMAC 20 years ago
Yellow Belt
Here's a simple script I wrote for a user to connect and it set's the drive letter at W:

'***********Start Script*****


Set objNetwork = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Objnetwork.mapnetworkdrive "W:", "\\lsp7srv1\wanshare$",, Fulluser, PWD

'***********End Script*****

Hope it helps.
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