
Disable updates in Skype

I'm in the middle of developing a restricted Skype package for our company that for example disables file transfer and use of API, but is there any possibilities to disable updates and notifications of when a new version of Skype is available? I haven't found any registry entries that lock down this function. I'm using WPS to repackage the application and did a try with manually go into the Skype options and remove check boxes under Advanced settings during capture but it won't register these changes.

Would be great if someone knew how to globally disable these updates in Skype within a package.

Many thanks!

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Answers (10)

Posted by: piyushnasa 11 years ago
Red Belt

It is possible to disable Auto Updates in skype. 

I have written a blog post on how to disable Auto Updates in Skype when you are packaging it for silent installation:


  • I have updated my blog for a more appropriate solution. - piyushnasa 10 years ago
Posted by: Daz 14 years ago
Orange Belt

Here is the Skype Network Admins Guide containing all the reg keys that control settings:

And here is the Skype ADM for GPO control:

Link to business MSI version of Skype:
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Use your favoured process/file/registry monitor to see what the app is getting up to. Also, remember that many, many apps don't record these changes until the EXE is shut down.
Posted by: RS|Stian 15 years ago
Orange Belt
Thanks. Do you have any recommendations on a monitor program?
Posted by: Inabus 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
He already told you, just read his signature!

Don't know why 'x' happened? Want to know why 'y' happened? Use ProcMon and it will tell you.

Also what version are you packaging as that would help greatly!

Also have you checked the package kb on this site?

Posted by: RS|Stian 15 years ago
Orange Belt
Sorry, my bad - I will give ProcMon a try then. Yes, I've read the KB's but haven't figured out how I can lock down automatic updates. The version I'm building is Hopefully ProcMon will give me the answer.
Posted by: RS|Stian 15 years ago
Orange Belt
For others who might need help with configure Skype as well, here is a website I found after loads of searching:

[url=https://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/CF/SkypeConfiguration]Skype Configration and Security[/url]
Posted by: polkagris 14 years ago
Orange Belt
I just wonder what the DisableVersionCheck really disables?

In 'Tools\Options\Advanced settings' I have 'Notify me' and 'Automatically download and install it' enabled when a new version of the software is available. And when monitoring that option is set in the config.xml in the user profile (property 'UpdatesMajor'). The problem is the file resides in a non default folder created and named after the users skype account. I guess it's hard to predefine something that resides in a folder that does not exist (unless an account is created). And even though there is an account, well that folder name will be pretty much unknown to me.

I have not found a workaround yet, still looking for it. But if someone has encountered this I'm all ears.

And by the way, the registry policy settings works fine otherwise. It just the updates setting that doesnt seem to disable that much....

Edit: Just realized this was a pretty old post. I'm working on the latest 4.2 version.
Posted by: rupya1983 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I am also working on this application to disable Automatic Updates.

I tried installing application with registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Skype\Phone DisableSupernode #1
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Skype\Phone DisableVersionCheck #1
But its not working

Do you have any other solution for this ?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt

Capture the change yourself using a lightweight snapshot tool like InstallWatch, then incorporate any change(s) into your transform.
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