
Duplicate emails on ticket close?

When I close a ticket, the submitter is receiving two emails basically stating the same thing. The first email is the ticket closed email that we want them to receive. The second is a comment submitted email. We want them receiving an email any time we submit a comment to their ticket, but we do not want them to receive this as a duplicate to the ticket closed email. Is there any way to change the comment submitted email notification to not occur when the status of the ticket has been changed to closed? Thanks in advance!

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Hobbsy 3 years ago
Red Belt

That is because you probably have both options ticked to send emails on closure and on any update or comment added.

So when you add a comment on closure it sends an email and when you set the status to closed it sends an email.

Posted by: JasonEgg 3 years ago
Red Belt

The only workaround would be to use custom ticket rules instead of the built-in "Email on Events" settings. You would need a rule for "comment added (and ticket not closed)" one for "ticket closed (no comment added)" and one for "ticket closed and comment added." In my opinion that would be more trouble than it's worth since you have to maintain those custom ticket rules (and your team needs to remember that "Email on Events" is no longer accurate when checking the queue settings).

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