
eTrust ITM r8 GPO Install

Hello everyone.... This is my first post on the AD.com boards so I hope I'm doing this right (and in the right forum!)

We're having issues trying to push the r8 version of Computer Associates' eTrust ITM out to our clients via GPO. Version 7.1 worked fine rolling out with GPO but the new version seems to have taken a step backwards with regards to GPO install compatibility.

With enough banging on the package and trial-and-error, we were able to get the client to actually successfully install. However, when you double-click on the tray icon after logging in, it pops up an error message that says:

"Cannot perform the requested action because the client web GUI is not installed"

Our exact steps to reproduce are:

1) Copy r8 distribution CD to the network drive.

2) Modify the English\Bin\Win32\inoc6.icf file
- In the [NameClient] section
- ServerList = the IP address of our Admin Server
- In the [InstallComponent] section, set
- Reboot = 2
- RebootDelay = 15
- In the [License] section, set
- HostServer = the IP address of our Admin Server

3) Modify the Common\Bin\Win32\Client\eTrust ITM.msi file to change the condition for the InoSetup_UpdatePathEnvVars custom action from 'REMOVE <> "ALL"' to 'REMOVE <> "ALL" AND UILevel <> 2'. This was necessary for the package to install correctly under the SYSTEM account.

4) Create a transform (MST) file for the Common\Bin\Win32\Client\iGateway_40_win32.msi package. The customizations in this file include:
- Remove all start menu shortcuts/directories
- Set property PRODUCT = ITM
- Set property INO_ICFFILE = \inoc6.icf

5) Create a transform (MST) file for the Common\Bin\Win32\Client\eTrust ITM.msi package. The customizations in this file include:
- Customize start menu shortcuts (put in "Security" start menu folder)
- Set property PRODUCT = ITM
- Set property INO_ICFFILE = \inoc6.icf

6) Create a GPO to push the packages out to my virtual machine (XP SP1). Added the iGateway MSI first with its transform and then added the eTrust ITM MSI second with its transform.

7) Booted up my VM, logged in, did a gpupdate /force /boot, watched it reboot and install.

8) Logged in with regular user account. I saw the animated icon and it looks like the realtime service and everything is running. Double-click the icon and you get the error message above.

Anyone have any luck actually getting it to push _AND_ have the client web GUI piece working too? Thanks in advance for your help and replies!

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Answers (16)

Posted by: rparrado 18 years ago
Yellow Belt
I am New with Etrust ITM 8, i have orca and msitran, what is the form for create of tranform? I not have idea for this.

Posted by: Corrado 18 years ago
Yellow Belt
I've installed the etrust ITM the same as in the link:


if I test the install process using command line as:

start /wait msiexec /i \\com078\software$\EtrustITM8\New\Common\Bin\Win32\Client\iGateway_win32_4.1.0.0_Build060511.msi TRANSFORMS=\\com078\software$\EtrustITM8\New\Common\Bin\Win32\Client\iGateway_win32_4.1.0.0_Build060511.mst /qn

start /wait msiexec /i "\\com078\software$\EtrustITM8\New\Common\Bin\Win32\Client\eTrust ITM.msi" TRANSFORMS=\\com078\software$\EtrustITM8\New\Common\Bin\Win32\Client\eTrust_ITM.mst /qn

work fine, correct install, uninstall etc...

When I insert the msi end trasform in GPO :

Igateway OK!
Etrust ITM take long time.....

after same our finish ok.

During this time it stop on action:

MSI (s) (04:38) [15:29:59:057]: Doing action: InoSetup_UpdatePathEnvVar
Action ended 15.29.59: InstallFinalize. Return value 1

If I change the execute conditions in the msi the setup process not stop but the install process don't finish correct..

Posted by: ynotpe 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Instead of transforms you can also use install.exe to make the unattended and/or silent.
Copy/backup inoc6.icf and edit the following Post actions to use the the current path (.)...

App1=50comupd /q:a
App3=drvupdi /s

Adjust the [InstallComponent] section as desired...


Copy said .icf, along with install.exe and install.ini into the \Win32\Client folder.

Edit install.ini to use the current path for the MSI, product for ITM and get the latest, full iGateway MSI (http://supportconnectw.ca.com/public/ca_common_docs/igatewaypatch_index.asp) adjusting its name as appropriate...


Then run following for a "silent" install...
install.exe INO_ICFFILE=%CurrentPath%\ITagent.icf /s

Make the install portable by creating a Windows script (.vbs) in \Win32\Client referencing the current path...

Option Explicit

Dim WshShell : Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim sCurrentPath : sCurrentPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory
WshShell.Run sCurrentPath & "\install.exe INO_ICFFILE=" & sCurrentPath & "\ITMagent.icf /s", 1, false
Posted by: steko 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Enybody that have en solution on this ?, I to have problem to install e-trust with AD and as an GPO. I have spoken with CA support and they sais that e-trust dont support installing trou GPO :(
Posted by: Wor 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi I am having an issue with this deployment.

I have followed the appropriate directions through http://itninja.com/link/the-open-source-office-suite-itself8

Installing the igateway.msi is no probs

installing the eTrust ITM.msi I get the same error message regardless of what I try to configure
Event log error:
Product: CA eTrustITM Agent -- Please run install.exe instead.

I will be deploying this by SMS or GPO if that fails but I am just trying to install this from a cmd line first

the command line is
rem msiexec /i \\hosus\cainstall\eTrust_ITM.msi /transforms=\\hosus\cainstall\eTrust_ITM.mst /qn /l*

I did the log file in order to troubleshoot the problem

any assistance would be appreciated - the remote install feature works fine but does not detect all the computers in the domain (800+)!
Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
"msiexec /i \\hosus\cainstall\eTrust_ITM.msi TRANSFORMS=\\hosus\cainstall\eTrust_ITM.mst /qn /l* \\hosus\cainstall\install.log"
Posted by: Wor 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks AngelD

I have fixed the problem I posted through your post and the install apppears to work fine EXCEPT I now have the issue that was first posted.

"Cannot perform the requested action because the client web GUI is not installed"

I run this batch file pushed out by SMS:
msiexec /i \\hosus\cainstall\iGateway_40_win32.msi CMDLINE=ITM ADDLOCAL=iGateway,Spin TRANSFORMS=\\hosus\cainstall\iGateway_40_win32.mst /qn
msiexec /i "\\hosus\cainstall\eTrust ITM.msi" PRODUCT=ITM INO_ICFFILE="\\hosus\cainstall\abbinoc6.icf" /quiet

No one has posted a fix for this issue yet except to use the install.exe is this the only way??

Posted by: brucebourke 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Great posts, guys!

I've got a further issue now. I need to creat a AIP (msiexec /a - Administrative Install Point) on the ETRUST ITM.msi - we treat all our msis this way for publishing into Radia.

When I attempt this, I receive the following error message:

Error 1334.The file 'rescue.dll' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file 'Data1.cab'. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
MSI (s) (28:10): Product: CA eTrustITM Agent -- Error 1334.The file 'rescue.dll' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file 'Data1.cab'. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with thi
s package.

I've performed msidb -d Etrust ITM.msi -x Data1.cab, and examined the contents of the resultant cab file - there's no sign of this .dll. I've seen various tips for Error 1334 correction about - anyone have any in this case? Anyone actually managed to create an AIP for Etrust ITM.msi?

Any help really appreciated.

Posted by: roger 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
"Cannot perform the requested action because the client web GUI is not installed"

Check the .icf file maybe?

what do you have under this key?

[InstallComponent] --> eAVClientGUI


Install with Client GUI?
Posted by: Wor 17 years ago
Yellow Belt


I have not changed this setting, I do not think this is the issue!
Posted by: Flinny 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
I'm installing with the following 2 command lines. Only problem currently is it's not picking up the phone home server from the icf file although it is finding the file as it's setting other settings from there.

msiexec /i iGateway_40_win32.msi CMDLINE=ITM ADDLOCAL=iGateway,Spin INSTALLDIR="C:\PROGRAM FILES\CA\SharedComponents\iTechnology" /qn

msiexec /i "eTrust ITM.msi" CMDLINE=ITM TRANSFORMS=1033.mst PRODUCT=ITM INO_ICFFILE=\inoc6.icf INO_LAUNCHER=no ADDLOCAL=CAUpdate,SubscriptionLicense,ThirdParty,CommonClient,eAVClientGUI,Engine,AVClient INOCFOLDER="C:\Program Files\CA\eTrustITM" SHAREDFOLDER="C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents" ITMENGINE="C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\ScanEngine" /qn

With the above then the GUI etc all installs correctly.

Posted by: Ken S 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Check the path to the inoc6.icf. Shouldn't there be a "." in front like .\inoc6.icf?

Personally I'm using a login script and it seems to work fine for me.

\\<server>\<share to root of CD>\English\Bin\Win32\install.exe /s /n INO_ICFFILE=\\<server>\<share to root of CD>\English\Bin\Win32\inoc6.icf
Posted by: frago2000 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hey Davidarcher,

I am having the same problem deploying this with group policy. I'm getting the cannot perform the requested action because the client web gui is not installed. Did you or anyone else find a solution for this?
Posted by: stevericks 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I had the same problem. It would install the services but not the icon in the system tray, nor the gui.
I am trying to deploy using Altiris.
I found this..

msiexec /i "eTrust ITM.msi" TRANSFORMS=1033.MST PRODUCT=ITM ADDLOCAL=CAUpdate,SubscriptionLicense,ThirdParty,CommonClient,ClientGUI,Engine,AVClient INOCFOLDER="C:\Program Files\CA\eTrustITM" SHAREDFOLDER="C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents" ITMENGINE="C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\ScanEngine" INO_ICFFILE="full_path_to_ICF_file"/q

It would seem that in the new version it has changed the eavclientgui (asmentioned above) to clientgui.

The full doc on this is at http://www.colorado.edu/CNS/security/antivirus/files/AV_Implemenation_ENU.pdf

Still not finding my ICF file at the moment, but getting there.

Posted by: Chaba 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi Davidarcher,

I am Installing the eTrust ITM 8.0 using GPO, I saw your forum and it was really useful, but i was not able to perform the task 3,4,& 5.

3) Modify the Common\Bin\Win32\Client\eTrust ITM.msi file to change the condition for the InoSetup_UpdatePathEnvVars custom action from 'REMOVE <> "ALL"' to 'REMOVE <> "ALL" AND UILevel <> 2'. This was necessary for the package to install correctly under the SYSTEM account.

4) Create a transform (MST) file for the Common\Bin\Win32\Client\iGateway_40_win32.msi package. The customizations in this file include:
- Remove all start menu shortcuts/directories
- Set property PRODUCT = ITM
- Set property INO_ICFFILE = \inoc6.icf

5) Create a transform (MST) file for the Common\Bin\Win32\Client\eTrust ITM.msi package. The customizations in this file include:
- Customize start menu shortcuts (put in "Security" start menu folder)
- Set property PRODUCT = ITM
- Set property INO_ICFFILE = \inoc6.icf

Could you explain it, i was not able to follow the steps.

I have installed the Orca in my XP machine. I would really appriciate if clear steps are provided for me to proceed further in configuring the MST files for the GPO.

Thanks in advance,

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
From the sound of it, you're new to packaging. As such, trying to use Orca to do what you want would be like trying to fly an aeroplane: you'd work it out *eventually* but the pain getting there......

Get yourself:
- a proper MSI authoring tool. The major tool vendors - Altiris (Wise) and Acresso (InstallShield) have trial versions of their software.
- a copy of Phil Wilson's guide to Windows Installer or one of Bob Baker's books http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0971570809/ref=nosim/installsite
- check out John McFadyen's blogs and the "stickies" at the top of the forum page.
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