
ICE03 Invalid Identifier

Hi guys, Im totally new to this community and I was hoping someone would give me a hand with few ICE errors that Im having.
Invalid identifier, table, Modulesignature, Column, ModuleID, Key(s): MSJet 4.0 SP3.3EC8E4FF_1ACC_4C24_B834_7E6A3E81A1DC.1033.ice03.html

I have several more, but I would like to start with this one.

Thanks in advance

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Answers (4)

Posted by: rajdera1 13 years ago
Orange Belt
most of the ICE errors can be resolved by just searching on the Internet there are trillions of solutions available and not to forget MSDN.now race your fingers on the Keyboard and Googleeeee [:D]
Posted by: naveen.packager 13 years ago
Green Belt
Here is a good document for ICE errors.


The error you posted is related to merge module msjet 4.0 and i think you need to check that merge module. I suppose the error is because of the large mergemodule name or may be because of spaces in the name but i am not sure.
Posted by: joe.martinez25 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks for the reply guys. If I get rid of the spaces the errors goes away, but Im not sure if that is the right solution.
My problem with this application is that I had to move a folder call DIADEM Pro located at My Documents to the installation folder \Program Files\DIPPR801 Our company redirects My Documents to server that is why I need to move it. Now I ended up with this errors and the application freezes up at launch.

Invalid identifier; Table: ModuleSignature, Column: ModuleID, Key(s): MSJet 4.0 SP3.3EC8E4FF_1ACC_4C24_B834_7E6A3E81A1DC.1033 ice03.html ModuleSignature ModuleID MSJet 4.0 SP3.3EC8E4FF_1ACC_4C24_B834_7E6A3E81A1DC 1033
Evaluation: ICE03
KeyPath for Component: 'ReserveCost.B6C2C595_F68D_11D3_B2CB_0080ADC9AB90' is Directory: 'SystemFolder.B6C2C595_F68D_11D3_B2CB_0080ADC9AB90'. The Directory/Component pair must be listed in the CreateFolders table. ice18.html Component Directory_ ReserveCost.B6C2C595_F68D_11D3_B2CB_0080ADC9AB90
Evaluation: ICE18
The directory DIPPR801 is in the user profile but is not listed in the RemoveFile table. ice64.html Directory Directory DIPPR801
Evaluation: ICE64
Mismatched component reference. Entry 'registry76' of the Registry table belongs to component 'Registry'. However, the formatted string in column 'Value' references file 'Newcrown.ico50' which belongs to component 'Pics'. Components belong to different features ice69.html Registry Value registry76
Evaluation: ICE69
Posted by: naveen.packager 13 years ago
Green Belt
As far as I know Application freezing at launch is not related with this errors. You need to check the functionality of the application, whether it supports the moving of the directory and so on.
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