
inf printer driver printui.dll

I am trying to build a SMS package that installs a printer using a vbscript (printui.dll.) I have gotten the script to work fine but my problem is that I am not sure which drivers (files) on the HP CD I need to include with my package. Currently my vbscript points the inf file located on the HP CD and the pulls the specific files it needs from the CD. However, if possible I would like to include only the driver files not the entire HP CD. Does anyone have any insite on how to get just the drivers that are needed. Or a better method to install printer drivers.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
Have you tried to just open the .INF file and see what files it actually reference to?
Posted by: cduplessis 17 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
In the inf file there is normally a section called
[SourceDisksFiles] which lists all the driver files
Posted by: Moley 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
why not try snapshotting the install of the driver just to see which files it installs?
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