
Install for all users

Hi Everyone,
I am facing a difficulty and need your help. Here it is:
Using a administrator account I ran command Setup.exe /v"ALLUSERS=1" to install my product for all users, then I logged off and logged in as a normal user, I did see short cuts on the desktop. However, when I tried to run them, it asked me to find the temporary MSI to finish the install, and because this is a normal user account, I could not access administrator's directory where the temporary msi stays - c:\documents and settings\ABC\Local Settings\Temp. (Admin account is ABC)
I am using InstallShield to make my installer. Please help me how to do with this problem. Thank you very much!

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Answers (8)

Posted by: t.brammavidhyambika 14 years ago
Yellow Belt

Was this question answered? jus curious to know the soultion..
Posted by: Hussi 14 years ago
Purple Belt
Does your application contains user data
Posted by: mayur_mak 14 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
try using active setup if it works
Posted by: sai21 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thank you mayur_mak. What is an active setup?
Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
Hit the search button here on app deploy and type: active setup. [8|]
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Extract the MSI from the EXE in the usual way to a universally-accessible location and use THAT to install.

And BTW, this forum is intended for posts concerning errors returned by the Windows Installer engine. Your post ought to have been made in the 'Package Development' forum. A moderator may move it there.
Posted by: sai21 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Really thank you for help. I solved this by using 1) cache msi to a public folder 2) using run-time path to execute msi
I wish oneday I could help you in return. [:D]
Posted by: john.pirvu 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
It seems like you solved the problem behavior, not its cause. When using shortcuts to your application on other user accounts, the installer is requested because an on-demand installation is triggered. Basically, your package installs resources (usually registry entries) in per-user locations and those resources are not available to other user accounts. In this case Windows Installer automatically tries to install those resources for the current user to make sure that the installation is intact.

A better solution is to install these resources in per-machine locations from the start. Let me know if you need some debugging tips.
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