
Installing Quicktime via SMS . . . Uninstall old first?!


This is my first post because I am racking my brains out here. I have followed this site (a God send) for creating a new package to deploy the latest QuickTime. However, it fails on any machine that currently has QuickTime (an older version) already installed. Is there any way to uninstall QuickTime via SMS? I've tried the various tricks of initiating an uninstall using the context that the "Uninstall QuickTime" shortcut in Program Files uses but no success. Also, if I kick off my MSI installer logged in as a user it uninstalls the previous version automatically. Why won't it do that if it runs via an SMS advertisement? Any advice?? Thanks!


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Answers (2)

Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
Could it be that the older version was installed per-user and the new as per-machine?
If so, have a look at this http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/msi_upgrade_uninstall.asp

If not, I would install the new version through SMS with verbose logging to investigate further.
Posted by: Kedderz 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
If your old quicktime was MSI based, grab the upgrade code and place that into your new MSI under the upgrade table in the MSI. Set attributes to 4 and at install the MSI will detect the old version and remove it automatically.
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