
Microsoft Office 2007 Help Tab & Office Labs Search Tab

Hello all!

New to the forum, and hoping for a bit of advice. I'm working on an Office 2007 deployment for my company (yeah, we're a bit behind the curve on this one). I've gotten the deployment of Office 2007 to work just fine, but I'm having trouble with a few add-ins that I've been asked to include. Specifically, the add-ins are Microsoft's Office 2007 Help Tab (link) and Microsoft Office Lab's Search Commands (link). Both are very useful add-ins for end-users new to Office 2007. Here's what I've tried so far:

  • Injected both MSI's into the Office Package using Office Customization Tool and install commands in the config.xml that initiate the add-in installation after Office 2007 has completed installation.
  • Created separate SCCM packages for each program and used a Task Sequence to install after Office 2007

Both approaches resulted in the same thing. The program installs on the client system, it's listed in Add/Remove Programs, but the add-in fails to register itself with any of the Office 2007 programs and as a result it does not appear as a tab within the program.

I've tried adding a reboot into the task sequence after the Office 2007 install and prior to the add-in install, but that hasn't worked either. If I go to the client machine and manually execute a repair on each of the programs, they correctly register themselves and appear properly in Office 2007.

Has anyone else run into something like this either specifically this product or a similar situation with a different product?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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Answers (8)

Posted by: tkotoff 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
I just came across this same issue... my boss asked me to incorporate the Office 2007 Help Tab into our 2007 deployment via SCCM. (See, you're not the only one. [;)]) Even though the default ALLUSERS setting is 1 (=per machine installation), it only shows up for the profile that ran the install. When installed via SCCM, that would be SYSTEM, so you'll never see it. However, the one-and-only DLL is registered under LOCAL MACHINE, so there's no roadblock there.

So, I installed it manually, found and exported the only registry keys that are user-specific, imported as a new user, and voilà, the Help Tab shows up. I pasted the exact keys below, so you'll need to import them for each user that needs to use the Help Tab; I plan to deploy via login script.

I too tried the Search Commands add-in a while back, with the same results you had. I might go back and try this method for that as well. If I do, I'll post my results here. I've got higher hopes for this li'l add-in, though.

Enough gabbing, here's what you need:
"FriendlyName"="Microsoft Office 2007 Help Tab"
"Description"="Adds a Help tab to Microsoft Office"

"FriendlyName"="Microsoft Office 2007 Help Tab"
"Description"="Adds a Help tab to Microsoft Office"

"FriendlyName"="Microsoft Office 2007 Help Tab"
"Description"="Adds a Help tab to Microsoft Office"
Posted by: matsui 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
I had the same issue with deploying Office 2007 and the help tab add-in by SCCM.
Each of them was added as program separately and they are in the same package.

I just changed the environment option of the help tab add-in to "run with user's rights" and it started functional.
Posted by: tkotoff 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
That's all fine... as long as your users are local admins. Ours are not, and you couldn't pay me to change that. Well... ok, you could, but it would be a lot, and I wouldn't like it.

Seriously, all of our installs are "run as admin", so finding little tweaks like this are important. I did try installing this under a limited user on the off chance that it might work, but no dice.
Posted by: mayankrai2006 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
HI folks,

I have a requirement of customising microsoft outlook 2010 with pinned icon of outlook 2010 in win7.I tried doing it through msp by additing one more shortcut of outlook 2010 and giving the target location as [APPDATAFolder]\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar.after running the msp the shortcut din't appear in the taskbar,but wa present in the task bar folder and the status was pinned.I tried another method of exporting the[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Taskband] registry key.but after running the exported key from the the shortcut again din't appear on the taskbar.but again when i right clicked the outlook shortcut i could found the unpinning option.
Kinldy tell us if we can customise the pinned outlook 2010 using oct or some other method
Posted by: kory 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Same problem here.
Has anyone found the reghack to get "Office Labs Search Command" tab to work on ALL Users?

Posted by: kory 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Looking at the MSI itself, a reghack itself probably wont fix it.
The MSI probably needs to be rearranged, as it seems to be copying bunch of files to the users profile.
Anyway, i might have to stick with the Active Installation method.
Posted by: Pujari 13 years ago
Yellow Belt

I am new to the SCCM packaging and have the same task to deploy Microsoft Office 2007 Help Tab as a add on, but facing difficulties in setting up the command line in the program...

I know it soild look like "msiexec.exe /q ALLUSERS=2/m....... but stuck at finding the MIF file nam for the package....

Can some one help me in finding the MIF file name please....

Thanks in Advance....
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
- MSIEXEC is used to execute MSIs not MIFs.
- The '/m' argument is unknown to me
- With no qualifier, the '/q' argument runs the install with a full UI which is not what you want for an SCCM push.
- I'd go with ALLUSERS=1 for an SCCM push
MSIEXEC /I [path_to_and_name_of_MSI] /QN ALLUSERS=1 /L*V %TEMP%\[name_of_log_file]
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