
Roxio Creator Plus – Dell Edition

Roxio Creator Plus – Dell Edition

Just recently the systems we have been purchasing from Dell have been coming with Roxio Creator Plus Build 2.4.32a. I have had no luck in trying to script the entire package silently because it seems to use Sonic’s own proprietary installer. My company uses the Altiris Deployment Solution and I seem to have figured out a way to script each individual program in this package and thought I would share it with everyone else.

The install CD contains quite a few folders and a majority of them represent each of the separate programs included in the Roxio Creator Plus Package.

DLA32_52= Roxio DLA
EXPRESSLABELER_20=Roxio Express Labeler
SC_AUDIO_204=Roxio RecordNow Audio
SC_COPY_204=Roxio RecordNow Copy
SC_DATA_204= Roxio RecordNow Data
UPDATEMANAGER_MSI=Sonic Update Manager

Each folder contains an .msi and a couple .mst files along with a couple other files we aren’t going to worry about right now. If your feeling luck and double click the .msi file you will received a prompt with the message: “Please run Setup.exe”

The .mst files in the folder are your Transform files. These numbers might not make any sense at first but if you experiment a little with which transform you use in your sript you will find out that each of the numbers represents a language. I ended up finding a list that was pretty accurate to each number. I’m not sure how accurate this is to other packages but its worth a mention just the same.


Once you have figured out what .mst file you will be using you will need to run an msiexec script with the location of the msi and name of the transform we would like to use.

msiexec /i "chosen.msi" TRANSFORMS="chosen.mst"


msiexec /i "C:\Roxio\Creator Plus\SC_DATA_204\BMPLE.msi" TRANSFORMS="C:\Roxio\Creator Plus\SC_DATA_204\1033.mst" /qn

Note****You may notice that I have added a /qn to the end of my script, this is to tell msiexec to run the install with no user interface.

I hope this is helpful to you all out there and feel free to hit me up with any questions or suggestions you may have about this script.

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Answers (9)

Posted by: jjwink 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
I am not sure where I stumbled upon it, but it appears that you can do a full silent install using

"setup.exe /Q"

This seems to work great, but the problem I have is when you do this through an altiris script, it spits an error back to Atiris, but seems to have installed perfectly.
Posted by: MeanGene 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Is there a way to use the setup.exe and not install some components? Does anyone have any information on how to pre register the application?
Posted by: Coriolus 17 years ago
Orange Belt
I just completed a silent install using this command:

setup.exe /qn RX_EULA_ACCEPTED=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress ADDLOCAL=ALL

Here is the page I found the info:


I am trying to find a way to uninstall it silently now but can't seem to find the trigger for the uninstaller. Used procmon to try and detect it but still don't see it.
Posted by: lil andy 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
unfottunately running setup.exe as local system user doesn't work :( so it's better to install as robomuffin suggested.

any news about pre-registration?
Posted by: joedown 17 years ago
Third Degree Brown Belt
See http://www.appdeploy.com/packages/detail.asp?id=990
Posted by: durkinr 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Following this thread I made a silent install for Roxio Creator Plus that works, and also solves the MediaHub.exe error you get when Windows Media Player 11 is installed.

Here is what I did today:

Copied all files from the Roxio Creator Plus - Dell Edition CD to a folder.
Downloaded the Data204Plus.exe patch that fixes the mediahub/WMP11 error from Roxio: http://kb.roxio.com/content/kb/Creator/000058MD

Extracted the patch using WinZip to a folder. Folder name Data204Plus.
Copied the extracted patch files into the SC_Data_204 subfolder.
Edited the MSI packages in each folder following the method outline here, to remove registration:
http://www.appdeploy.com/packages/detail.asp?id=990 (Thanks Joe!)

I created a folder named REMOVED and copied the EXPRESSLABELER_20 and UPDATEMANAGER_MSI folders into it, as I don't want to install the labeler or the update manager for our users.

Then I run the install using the following command-line:

The setup completes, and the program runs fine after a reboot, doesn't nag users to register or accept the EULA, the update manager doesn't try to run or produce pop-ups, and no CD labels jam our printers.
Posted by: otakahashi 16 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi all,

Glad to find almost everything I need to deploy Roxio.
However, is it possible to modify the property INSTALLDIR or TARGETDIR ?

Thanks in advance.
Posted by: naerwen 14 years ago
Yellow Belt

The script below works great from the Altiris Deployment Console. As you can see, I have removed the D2D and the Update Manager. Both, in my case, are useless. Hope this helps someone. :)

@echo off
REM Establish temporary mapped drive on Altiris Server:
pushd \\MyAltirisServer\eXpress\ApplicationPackages\Roxio
REM Sequentially install Roxio Creator DE 9.0 components:
start /wait msiexec /i "RCP_AUDIO_33\AUDIO.msi" TRANSFORMS="RCP_AUDIO_33\1033.mst" /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "RCP_COPY_33\COPY.msi" TRANSFORMS="RCP_COPY_33\1033.mst" /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "RCP_CORE_33\RCPCORE.msi" TRANSFORMS="RCP_CORE_33\1033.mst" /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "RCP_DATA_33\BMPLE.msi" TRANSFORMS="RCP_DATA_33\1033.mst" /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "RCP_TOOLS_33\TOOLS.msi" TRANSFORMS="RCP_TOOLS_33\1033.mst" /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "EXPRESSLABELER_30\LABELER.msi" TRANSFORMS="EXPRESSLABELER_30\1033.mst" /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "Activation_103\Activate.MSI" TRANSFORMS="Activation_103\1033.mst" /qn /norestart
REM Remove temporary mapped drive on Altiris Server:

Thank you,

Posted by: PackageExpert 14 years ago
Blue Belt
ch folder contains an .msi and a couple .mst files along with a couple other files we aren’t going to worry about right now. If your feeling luck and double click the .msi file you will received a prompt with the message: “Please run Setup.exe”

I have successfully packaged Roxio package and deploy via SCCM in 2 different organization. I will share it here but I might leave out some steps as this has been some time back. Roxio has got a main Setup.exe and a list of folders as mentioned. First of all, delete these setup.exe file from the package and also others unwanted files, ini, autorun etc. Now that under each root, there is a MSI and list of MST's. Please choose the language MST u need and delete the others. Example, 1033.mst. Now under each folders, you will have to manually edit these MST, if you check under Launch Conditions Table, there is a reference mentioning please use Setup.exe. Delete that. Also check the same in Custom Action (any CA that reference usage of Setup.exe) and delete if exists. All other customization, example Desktop Shortcuts can be edited via MST. It could be a property, CA and registry handling this. Also basic stuff like disable registration, updates and supress EULA can be edited and quite easy to see them in the MSI. I also remember now that You dont depend on the setup.exe, you will need to follow a sequence to correctly install the entire suite. Even for Uninstall it should follow the particualar sequence. In SCCM, we were able to sequence to install these MSI and MST one after the other. I remember that time, it was 10 MSI and 10 MST. This might take time but all worth it.

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