
SAP GUI 7.10 Commandline

I wanted to install SAPGUI through the commandline by enabling the below components.

R/3 Add-On
Legacy Components
BW Add-On

Can anyone tell me how to do that.

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Answers (37)

Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
you can create "Packages" running NWSAPSETUP.exe (in admin mode i believe)

after you create your package (similar to a transform, but not msi tech) you can run

"%~dp0sapinst\setup\nwsapsetup.exe" /Silent /Package="YourPackagename" to install.

From there, you can capture and create an MSI. NOTE: Do not use SmartMonitor, it will hang if running silent capture.

The actual product requires MSXML4 (use Microsoft's version, the slimmed down one from SAP in SAPInst\System folder will not work System Account on Windows 2000), VcRedist_x86.msi, and DHTML.msi (Vista only) both located in SAPInst\System.

For BI Addon, it requires I believe .Net2.0

When capturing SAP, have Microsoft Office, and Adobe Reader installed as prerequisites as well... for Analyzer to work with BI Addon... Office 2003 requires Hotfix office2003-KB907417-FullFile-ENU.exe Office XP (2002) requires a spin off of KB908002 lockbackRegKey.msi. I transformed that to install All Users.
Posted by: mukhtar 12 years ago
Orange Belt


1.       Use NwCreateInstServer.exe  to create a server install media


2.       Use NwSapSetupAdmin.exe  create a confiqured install package (Optional)




3.       Use   NwSapSetup.exe /SILENT /PACKAGE:"MASAP" to install the package (if created)


4.       Or install the pre configured products that are already configured in the media.


NwSapSetup.exe /Silent /




5.       Uninstall       


NwSapSetup.exe /Silent /


Product="SAPGUI710+ECL710+BW350+KW710+SAPWUS+SAPWUS+GUI710ISHMED+JNet+SapB" /Uninstall


Posted by: dm1 16 years ago
Blue Belt
ORIGINAL: Digitalweezil

you can create "Packages" running NWSAPSETUP.exe (in admin mode i believe)

after you create your package (similar to a transform, but not msi tech) you can run

"%~dp0sapinst\setup\nwsapsetup.exe" /Silent /Package="YourPackagename" to install.

From there, you can capture and create an MSI. NOTE: Do not use SmartMonitor, it will hang if running silent capture.

The actual product requires MSXML4 (use Microsoft's version, the slimmed down one from SAP in SAPInst\System folder will not work System Account on Windows 2000), VcRedist_x86.msi, and DHTML.msi (Vista only) both located in SAPInst\System.

For BI Addon, it requires I believe .Net2.0

When capturing SAP, have Microsoft Office, and Adobe Reader installed as prerequisites as well... for Analyzer to work with BI Addon... Office 2003 requires Hotfix office2003-KB907417-FullFile-ENU.exe Office XP (2002) requires a spin off of KB908002 lockbackRegKey.msi. I transformed that to install All Users.

Thank You Thank You Thank You.

How did you figure out this? It's never caused me a problem in the past!

Also, the pre-requisites... the only ones SAP lists for the installation is JRE 1.4+ and .Net 2.0
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Trial and Error :) I have never seen this specific issue to begin with, but i do know that when all fails, turn off SmartMonitor... I did and Voile!

How I found out about the other prerequisites, was two fold. 1) the installer installed them hidden, but you could see the text on the progress bar at the begining if they weren't installed already that was an indication of embedded msi's... so I 2) searched the install source for MSI's and installed them first in a WSE script.

Currently I am beating the install with a stick on advertisement info. past packagers in my company approached 6.40 by installing it with Register As-Is instead of putting into the registration table, they then deleted the selfreg table entries, and typelib tables... I doubt that this is the correct approach, so I am revisiting it at the moment.
Posted by: dm1 16 years ago
Blue Belt
I'm doing the same stuff myself at the moment. I've captured a load of stuff (around 341 DLLs and OCXs) that are entered in the SelfReg table. It's a total pain so I'm looking at doing a WiseComCapture of the files and adding them into the registry.

I found a VBS authored by VBScab which apparently does the trick but I can't get it to work currently. I think it's because it can't find wisecomcapture.exe but the script exits without generating any reg files and I can't find a log.

What methodology are you using to deal with all of the Advertising Info?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
I found a VBS authored by VBScab which apparently does the trick but I can't get it to work currently. I think it's because it can't find wisecomcapture.exe but the script exits without generating any reg files and I can't find a log.
I'd be *very* interested to know where you got that from, as circulation was restricted.

As for finding WiseComCapture, the script interrogates the registry to find where Wise is installed. It doesn't generate a log. I saw no need for one, as it outputs to the screen: one could simply redirect its output to a file to get a log.
Posted by: dm1 16 years ago
Blue Belt
Nothing underhanded I can assure you. It's exceedingly well indexed in Google!


The registry key(s) it searches for Wise in are not present on my machine so I've fiddled with the script a bit to look in the places I need to. Previously I was double clicking on the .vbs file to run it and couldnt see the errors but when I dropped it on the cmd line it all became apparent. It's a really nice script - a good talent to have. [8D]
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
LOL... I'd quite forgotten that I posted it there! I claim senility in my defence.
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
I originally packaged this app leaving the registry info As-Is rather than throwing it into Advertisement info. I got SelfReg info in it unfortunately, but i managed to get it working.

NOW, I am trying to REpackage it enabling 'Convert Registration info into Advertisement.' and I have some 1911 errors.

So, I have added in all the WiseComCapture registration into my components now and have nothing in SelfReg table of this new MSI and I still got the 100 or so 1911 errors. I checked my Registry entries under TypeLib and all I see is Flag\0 set under the Guids, no paths, no filenames no nothing (unlike my past MSI that had a SelfReg table) But there is a completed TypeLib table.

My next step of troubleshooting is to delete the TypeLib table, I am not sure if this is the right way to go with this issue.
Is this the correct path to take? I am still pretty new on this DLL registration stuff, and have been Googling everywhere on info. Someone somewhere suggested this, but I sense my issues run deeper perhaps.
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Trying to understand DLL Registration... so in my MSI, if I have component set to a key:

For Component X.dll - HKCR\Interface\{GUID}\Typelib\@={2ndGUID}
For Component X.dll - HKCR\Interface\{3rd GUID}\Typelib\@={4thGUID}

And then have a key

For Component X.dll - HKCR\Typelib\{2nd GUID}\1.0\Flags\@=0

Is this registered ok since they cross reference? Instead of having stuff in the TypeLib Table?

Originally my TypeLib Table had the above Plus the entry for {2ndGUID} for component X.dll in the Table. Deleting it from the table seemed to work, could this be because there is a problem with redudancy maybe?
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
In regards to my previous post, I took 'Component X.dll' and readded the .Reg file generated with wisecomcapture, and it recreated the typelib table entry when I told it to advertise. On reinstalling it broke again go figure. Maybe it just hates being advertised.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: Digitalweezil
In regards to my previous post, I took 'Component X.dll' and readded the .Reg file generated with wisecomcapture
I don't know what you mean by "I took 'Component X.dll' and readded the .Reg file"...

Once I have a capture, I simply import the .REG whilst in the 'Registry' view and click 'Yes' when prompted about using the advertising tables. I have never yet had to edit any table any further. Perhaps I'm just lucky...
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
I wish I were lucky :) for some reason though, I am left thinking that there may be a problem with me registering some of these dlls even though Wisecapturecom was able to grab the info. Maybe it was how I captured my package... I dont know for sure. What I think I am going to do is go back to my package with the self registration enabled (captured with setting 'leave registry as-is'), delete all the selfreg table and then reinsert the .reg files created by wisecapturecom. Wish me luck for once :)
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Thank you for the link, I am trying to access the site, it seems down for now unfortunately, but I will keep trying [:D]
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
OP: Sorry for hijacking your thread, but at least it's still on topic.

Ok, ignoring all my previous statements about how I captured this package, I went back to an old setup capture revision that we have in production currently to see what I could do to clean it up.

This package has SelfReg entries in it, and it is my design to remove them. The biggest reason is that we have reports of people getting 1904 errors out in the field on select machines on some dll's that my test machines had not errored on.

To begin the cleanup of SelfReg table, I addressed a DLL that was in SelfReg table that never gave me issues in the past. I chose motion.dll as my first victim. I deleted the entry for motion.dll from the SelfReg table, used wisecomcapture (with correct drive paths listed) and then imported (as advertised) under the motion.dll component. I did a SDK verification afterwords just to ensure that there were no ICE issues. I reinstalled the package and now I get a 1911 error now that i am advertising it.... so my question is, Advertisement is only for self healing right? And it has no bearing at all on actual DLL Registration? so not advertising these things shouldnt break anything important other than self healing on these dll/ocx files.

To cleanup selfreg on this package, i can delete Selfreg table / HKCR registry entries (HKCR\Typelib|Interface|CLSID) / and then import Reg wisecomcapture data with no advertisement?
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
^^^^updated above now that i had some coffee^^^^
Posted by: dm1 16 years ago
Blue Belt

I tore my hair out with the advertising info, wisecomcapture, selfreg, you name it.

In the end I've captured it, turning off all advertising and retaining the registry as-is. It works like a charm.

Try it out.
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Good to hear that you were successful, I think im going to take my new package with registry info captured as-is and just import my reg wisecomcapture data over it with no advertisement. That should do the job then. I'm tired of the random errors :)
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
As a side note, how would one go about Removing Advertisment from a DLL? delete all the keys under the Advertisement Flag in Components or is there an easier way?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: Digitalweezil
As a side note, how would one go about Removing Advertisment from a DLL?
Tricky one....The problem is that more than one table is (generally) involved. It's not something I'd recommend, in any event.

1911 errors are almost always due to missing dependencies. As SAP has a dependency on JRE, I'd wager that it is this which is at the root of the problem and in particular, the DLLs which have the DLLRegisterServer entry-point but no COM information. IIRC, these are named NPJAVAxy.DLL where 'xy' is MajorVersion.MinorVersion. Get rid of registration information (but NOT registry information!) for these files.

To trouble-shoot 1911 errors, log the install and, as soon as the registration failure message appears, open the log and see which component (and therefore which DLL/OCX) is involved. Then, load up that DLL/OCX into Dependency Walker to see what other files the DLL requires. Alternatively, ProcMon will show MSIExec.EXE attempting to open the file and getting either PATH NOT FOUND, NAME NOT FOUND or, less likely, ACCESS DENIED. In the last case, this indicates that the account being used to install has insufficient rights to write to the registry.
Posted by: Digitalweezil 16 years ago
Orange Belt
Tricky one....The problem is that more than one table is (generally) involved. It's not something I'd recommend, in any event.

1911 errors are almost always due to missing dependencies. As SAP has a dependency on JRE, I'd wager that it is this which is at the root of the problem and in particular, the DLLs which have the DLLRegisterServer entry-point but no COM information.

Thanks for the information, I will have to try Depends against this one. On one of the affected machines. I have a strong feeling that the folks with the error have something specific that I need to add prior to installing. Thanks again!
Posted by: karshi 15 years ago
Purple Belt
Hi all,
I am trying to repackage Sap Gui 7.10 in wise package studio 7.
I am not using Smart Monitor as suggested above.
i installed the prerequisites before starting the snapshot process,
WSI got created but on compiling the WSI;MSI is not getting reproduced.
however no errors are reflected in the error pane.

Please suggest me the possible solution.
Thanx in advance.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: karshi
WSI got created but on compiling the WSI;MSI is not getting reproduced.
however no errors are reflected in the error pane.
Do any of your other projects behave this way? I have had situations where WPS seems to get overwhelmed due to either the number of files/registry entries and simply exits, also with no error displayed. Is that what's happening with you for this package?
Posted by: karshi 15 years ago
Purple Belt
Hi Ian,
Thanx for ur quick reply.
I have no idea what might be the possible reason for such a behavior bcoz m facing this situation for the 1st time and also i tried repackaging this application using AD; but again stuck up with same problem, ".IRP" file never opens.
So, if that is the case (I have had situations where WPS seems to get overwhelmed due to either the number of files/registry entries and simply exits, also with no error displayed.).. what solution u suggest in order to avoid thy situation. will increasing the memory of VM and repackaging wud help anyway?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: karshi
what solution u suggest in order to avoid thy situation. will increasing the memory of VM and repackaging wud help anyway?
Well, that depends. Does WPS crash/exit? In my case, when WPS had crashed 5 or 6 times in a row, I took the coward's route and downloaded the trial version of InstallSheild 2008 and used that. Bizarrely, once I had an MSI created by IS 2008, I could manipulate in WPS without difficulty, even creating a new WSI from it.
Posted by: karshi 15 years ago
Purple Belt
For me,WPS doesn't crashes i guess it exits.
However, in this case installshield is also failing to make an MSI.

Also, there was another instance wherein our team created a wrapper exe using wise script editor for the same SAP source files. Script was to customize the installation,uninstalling previous versions etc.
But the final product was an EXE then and now the requirement is an MSI bcoz of the deployment issues.
So we tried calling that previous EXE in an MSI through CA. MSI was created, installed well,shortcuts got created. But event viewer was showing lots of system related errors(side by side errors) and hence shortcut does not even launches.
Please suggest some solution.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: karshi
But event viewer was showing lots of system related errors(side by side errors) and hence shortcut does not even launches.
Please suggest some solution.
I have no clue how to solve this issue, since it could involve so many different things. In your situation, I would:

- run your MSI
- start a lightweight snapshotting tool (like Ziff-Davis's In Control) and take a 'Before' snapshot
- delete any registry data which the vendor's install uses to determine the product's installed state
- run the vendor's install over the top of your install
- take an 'After' snapshot AFTER A REBOOT
- examine the resulting report for changes/additions/deletions

That should show you what isn't being done by your installer project. How you incorporate those changes/additions/deletions is up to you.
Posted by: karshi 15 years ago
Purple Belt
Ya Ian,
its difficult to suggest this way.. Just thot to post it so that someone mighthave faced such situation..

- run your MSI
- start a lightweight snapshotting tool (like Ziff-Davis's In Control) and take a 'Before' snapshot
- delete any registry data which the vendor's install uses to determine the product's installed state
- run the vendor's install over the top of your install
- take an 'After' snapshot AFTER A REBOOT
- examine the resulting report for changes/additions/deletions

And we tried doing the "Gap capture" but we are unable to run the vendor's install over our install.
Any Help??
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: karshi
And we tried doing the "Gap capture" but we are unable to run the vendor's install over our install.
Why? What error do you get? Have you used ProcMon to see what it is prevents the vendor install re-running?
Posted by: karshi 15 years ago
Purple Belt
Hmm.. Must have tried procmon [8|].. will get bak to u..
Posted by: Thegunner 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Sorry to bring this back up.
Quick bit of help needed.

I have used the SAPAdmin to create a script for me. Want I want is to use a CMD command to launch the install.

so far I have

echo off
net use S: /d /y
net use S: "\\<path>/setup" /y

echo SAP GUI 7.10.....
S:\NetSapSetup.exe /Slient /Package="SAPGUI7.10 Installation MSI - custom"
net use S: /d /y

That is what I have so far, this should run and install the package...correct?
But I get a Buffer overrun detected, I am running this in a VM PC.
Posted by: Thegunner 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
update - I have got it to install now, but when I run the commandlines it gives you it does not uninstall...strange!!

Any ideas?
Posted by: dm1 15 years ago
Blue Belt
I repackaged this as an MSI bundled with the latest patch levels, but if I'm not mistaken, generating a SAP install "package" file method requires you to make an uninstall one as well?
Posted by: Thegunner 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt

I repackaged this as an MSI bundled with the latest patch levels, but if I'm not mistaken, generating a SAP install "package" file method requires you to make an uninstall one as well?

I think I have found out how to do it, I found the uninstall string in the registery and ran that and it uninstalled fine.

Could you message me on your method how you captured it in a MSI format please.
Posted by: dm1 15 years ago
Blue Belt
ORIGINAL: Thegunner


I repackaged this as an MSI bundled with the latest patch levels, but if I'm not mistaken, generating a SAP install "package" file method requires you to make an uninstall one as well?

I think I have found out how to do it, I found the uninstall string in the registery and ran that and it uninstalled fine.

Could you message me on your method how you captured it in a MSI format please.

Read Page 1 of this very thread. [;)]
Posted by: Thegunner 15 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt

ORIGINAL: Thegunner


I repackaged this as an MSI bundled with the latest patch levels, but if I'm not mistaken, generating a SAP install "package" file method requires you to make an uninstall one as well?

I think I have found out how to do it, I found the uninstall string in the registery and ran that and it uninstalled fine.

Could you message me on your method how you captured it in a MSI format please.

Read Page 1 of this very thread. [;)]

I see this bit.

you can create "Packages" running NWSAPSETUP.exe (in admin mode i believe)

after you create your package (similar to a transform, but not msi tech) you can run

"%~dp0sapinst\setup\nwsapsetup.exe" /Silent /Package="YourPackagename" to install.

From there, you can capture and create an MSI. NOTE: Do not use SmartMonitor, it will hang if running silent capture.

Cool, I have got it working now by running VBS scripts and CMD lines to get it to install with the above. Then the VBS run on the uninstall to clean up any folders left behind from the uninstall.

I will take a look at it tomorrow, to see if it will be worth capturing it in a MSI.

ta all
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