
Script to force corporate screensaver

My manager wants to implement a corporate screensaver. He wants to input pics to notify the company of up and coming events. The pics are located on a server in a shared folder. The persmissions are already set to "Everyone" read. Also I have to use a script for XP and Windows 7 pcs. This is how i started the script: 

if not exist “c:\users\%username%\pictures\screensaver.bat” goto xcopy
 goto exit
 xcopy /y /e “\\fileserver1\screensaverGPO-PilotTest-Win7\*.*” “c:\users\%username%\Pictures\”

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Answers (2)

Posted by: jknox 11 years ago
Red Belt

Wouldn't the setup that you propose display any other pictures that the users have in their pictures folder up during the screensaver as well?  Seems like a privacy issue if a user didn't want that to happen.

What does the bat file do?

You can map the share, use file synchronization, or use a script to unzip the files into place from a dependency to get the screensaver onto the system.

From: http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Microsoft_Operating_Systems/Windows/XP/Q_26511154.html

This solution goes for both Windows XP and Windows 7:

Open your registry and find or create the key below:

e\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\

Create a new DWORD value called "ScreenSaveActive" (if not here already) and set it to "0" to disable all screen savers or "1" to enable.

You can also set ScreenSaveTimeOut = 60 (or whatever timeout you want in seconds)

Alternatively create a new string value called "SCRNSAVE.EXE" and set it to the executable name of a valid Windows screen saver file, including the .scr extension. This will only be used if "ScreenSaveActive" is set to "1" or deleted from the registry.

Restart Windows for the change to take effect.

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

If it's corporate, use a GPO, they cannot change it either, with a script they can just change after you push it.



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