
Uninstall office 2016

Hi,  I had tried to uninstall office 2016 using uninstaller wizard, managed install, script install. When I run it the process quicked ok but always I'm getting pop up to accept yes to continue the uninstallation. I have tried several silent command parameters(/qn, /s, /quiet....) with no success. Please any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks!!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: rileyz 4 years ago
Red Belt

Use this, its more reliable and removes left over bits that can interference with the install of the replacement Office version.


  • Agreed, we use this in our environment with 14000+ computers with great success - ArneJohansen 4 years ago
    • Any tips on using this in Kace?

      I'm struggling to create a Script to uninstall Office 2016. I have created the script, with the necessary GitHub files as a dependency, I can 'launch a program' and run the powershell script 'Remove-PreviousOfficeInstalls.ps1' successfully.
      However to uninstall Office 2016 I need to include the parameter '-Remove2016Installs $true' and that's were I'm stuck.

      In the 'launch a program' - 'Parameters' field I've tried:
      -executionpolicy remotesigned -command " & '$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\Remove-PreviousOfficeInstalls.ps1' '-Remove2016Installs $true' "
      and various other similar commands but can't get it to run successfully - Mark_Robinson 3 years ago
    • hi Arne you have some document about this ? I have trouble doing this script. thank you - Daniel Thenu 3 years ago
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