
K2000 postinstall task converter

This is a script created by Patrick Warme and Corey Serrins of the support team. 

This script was created to convert your post-installation tasks to run via RunOnceEx commands for Windows 7. Our goal is to allow post-installation tasks to survive reboots and help with installers that do not 'wait' properly and interrupt other installations.

The script runs on both Windows 7 Scripted Installs as well as Windows 7 sysprepped image deployments (non-sysprepped images will not work at this time).

You can download it here: 


NOTE: This script is for 3.4 and 3.5 only, it does not work for 3.6, which has a new Task Engine


After downloading the file, you will find a README documenting the task, a export of reboot postinstall task that is known to work with this process, as well as a .zip file to upload to the k2 to implement this task.

Here's what you'll need to do:

  1. Set up your Scripted Install or Sysprepped Image with your desired Postinstall Tasks
  2. Create a new Application post install task with a runtime environment set to "K2000 Boot Environment (Windows)"
  3. Attach the zipped file called "runonceex_converter_task.zip"
  4. Use "call runonceex_converter.bat" as the command line.
  5. If one of your postinstall tasks already calls for a reboot, you can use that, import the one provided, or create your own reboot task, but make sure the word "reboot" is in the name. If you create your own, we do recommend the following be in the .bat command since we found this to work best:
    taskkill /f /IM runonce.exe
    shutdown -f -r -t 1
    ping -n 30
  6. Duplicate your reboot commands as many times as you like
  7. Add the PO Converter mid-level task to your deployment. 
  8. Add the reboots where you like as a post install task and save.

This should resolve any issues you experienced with reboots in your post install tasks with the K2000 and Windows 7.

Any feedback or comments would be welcome!


Script was updated to v. 1.5.2 (3/5/2013)
-Scripted installs were not reporting as completed, fixed that in this release. 


  • Thanks for the reboot script. I'm using this to reboot after the installation of the Lenovo drivers with ThinInstaller.

    I do have one problem now: after the scripted installation is completed I can't find this in the "Deployment Log". Before using this script it was showing the installation time. I've already tried doing a reboot at the end of the scripted installation but I can't get it solved. Do you have an idea about this? - Remco 11 years ago
  • Thanks for this. I tried to import the postinstall task you provided. (Our K2100 is Version 3.5.80613.) I'm able to browse to the file (PO36_1332367460_9472.pkg) from our K2100 and click Import Package, but it doesn't show up in the Import List. I'd like to use this task, since it works with the process. I don't have any postinstall tasks that call for a reboot. I created one using the suggested three lines, but when I used it in my scripted deployment, the other postinstall tasks that followed it didn't run at all. Has this PO36_1332367460_9472.pkg file been updated, or do you have any suggestions about how I can get it to import correctly? Thank you. - askalecki 10 years ago
    • The pkg just has the same commands as listed above, so there should be no difference between the two. I would recommend only rebooting if you absolutely have to... you may need to change up the task order after the reboot if its not working for you.

      That being said, I would recommend that you upgrade to v3.6 of the K2000 and enjoy the new Task Engine that can do everything the Task Converter did and more! - warmep 10 years ago
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