
Kbox advance client provisioning using Network Shared location to reduce WAN traffic

To avoid the WAN traffic during Kbox Client installation, you can localize the Client installation files on the Remote Server

Any shared folder can be used for automatic client provisioning through Kbox advance provisioning mechanism.

1. Create a shared folder with read and execute access permissions.

2. Copy the Kbox client folder in shared location [you need to copy the whole client folder present at Kbox share]

3. Open Kbox Advance provisioning in Kbox admin interface [setting/Kbox Agent/Advance Provisioning]

4. Under “Kbox Server Name” field , type the IP address / hostname of the Remote machine ,on which we have created the shared folder in step 1

5. Under “Kbox Client Share Name “Specify the Shared folder e.g. [ test\client]


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