
Owner's Only Flag Updated to a 1 After Bomgar Session Ends

I would like to see in future versions the owner's only flag updated to a 1 after a Bomgar support session ends.  Bomgar session information is being passed back to the ticket as long as there is an external key relationship between Bomgar and KACE.  There is no reason an end-user should be able to see a technician's notes, etc from a Bomgar support session.  To prevent this from occurring, I would like to see the owner's only value as "1" passed back along with the other information.  I have created a ticket rule to modify this value, but the quickest frequency for the rule to run is limited to every 15 minutes.  I would like to see it run when Bomgar updates the ticket.  If someone else has had this issue and has a work-around or a better ticket rule, please share.  Thx in advance.


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