
Users Begin Planning Deployments of Tranxition Migration Manager using the KACE K1000 and K2000 Devices

Since we announced our partnership with Dell in February, we have been busy working with Dell Software to roll out the project.   In a few short weeks, downloads and evaluations are starting to roll in and its encouraging.   We expect to finalize a licensing to an organization in the Eastern United States this month to migrate hundreds of devices using the K2000. If you don't yet know about the integration between Tranxition Migration Manager and the KACE K1000 and K2000, the announcement and the special offer are found here!  Act soon to obtain your special license!    

Dell KACE K1000 http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/using-tranxition-migration-manager-with-k1000

Dell KACE K2000 http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/using-tranxition-migration-manager-with-k2000

If you have not tried Migration Manager with the KACE appliances, be prepared for extraordinary performance during your system transition!

Here is a link to a 50-seat evaluation license (for a limited time) as a part of the Dell partnership.



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