
iPXE menu (KACE 2000 v4.1.x) : Why to generalize the way to load all the ISOs with Wimboot in bios mode ?

hi all,

i share with you my recent experience when we decide to upgrade our K2000 v4.0 to 4.1 :

after that the KACE 2000 v4.0 was released with iPXE functionality, we made the choice to use it for our deployment.
After switching to 4.0 -and made changes to our DHCP-, every entry in our PXE menu, that we've made with KBE manipulator, still working fine (memdisk + iPXE = very good improvement)... we're delighted!

So, when the 4.1 is coming, we've decided to upgrade and ...  we're very disappointed !

WHAT THE HELL !! Bad joke !! ISOs can't be loaded!
Why do generalize the way to load all the ISOs with Wimboot
in that version ?

Our additionnal ISOs (pushed with KBE manipulator) do not contain WIM!
Why that choice?

So at the end, for that,  we decide to rollback to PXELINUX. thanks for you!!

here is my conclusion : You really need to improve the iPXE menu !

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Answers (1)

Posted by: cserrins 7 years ago
Red Belt
I understand your dilemma.  The reasoning for this was because there was an onslaught of support calls in which legacy pxe booting was failing (stalling) for numerous models and manufacturers.  TPS was handling about 10 customers a day with this issue.  We found the solution to be to load the KBE in the same manner as we do for UEFI.  This method has resolved the issue for all customers.  PXELinux will be going away in a future version.

  • hi correy,

    first thanks for your answer.

    i believe it can be easy to correct without major changes:

    adding a flag (like checkbox option) in the kbe details webpage to set/unset the kbe to be loaded with memdisk (instead of wimboot). in the ipxe menu, it takes care of this information and set the entries with the way we want to be load.

    by default, all the KBE have their flag unset and in the case of the default KBE boot environments (x64 or x86), the option is disable (always wimboot)

    And, double shot, in UEFI mode, this information can also be use to hide these KBE entries (as you know , the couple UEFI + memdisk doesn't work).

    Regards - pg_fr_69 7 years ago

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