
Is there a way to modify and view all fields in assets when we have added some custom fields ?

We have added a number of fields to an asset category and now when we view that Asset Type we only see 6 columns on the screen and no way to scroll to the right to see the reminder. Is there a way we can adjust the column size to be able to view more columns?


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Answers (3)

Posted by: GillySpy 11 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt

You do not have all the options that servicedesk has, but there is a little known feature that when you switch the View By to a specific type then the columns displayed will be the first 6 columns  of that asset type definition. By changing the order of the columns for that type you change 5 of the 6 are displayed on the list view.  The first column is always the asset name field

The exception to this is the software type which has an installed, licensed and in use count columns.

p.s. if you login to k1000/adminui you get a more complete URL. Here's a URL for the asset list view of software  http://kbox54/adminui/assets.php?ASSET_TYPE_ID=6

p.p.s. if you really like to dive into assets you might find this interesting:

  1. Use Google chrome 
  2. go to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kbox-javascript-demo/domgdoodlbgoeblglfokpbchcfjnecoa?hl=en and install that extension
  3. log in to http://k1000/adminui
  4. go to Assets tab.  url should now be http://k1000/adminui/assets.php (not http://k1000/admin)
  5. click on any asset. you shoud now in in the Asset Detail: page of it
  6. click on the Dell icon of the extension.
  7. Accept all the defaults
  8. When the pop-up displays choose asset clarity
  9. Hover over your items to reveal what's behind the scenes

Note: You can use a different browser with a bookmarklet NOT a chrome extension though.  contact me if you want the bookmarklet code

Note: sorry SSL users. You'll cannot run it because it loads javascript from kace.com. Even harmless javascript is blocked in this way :(

  • Hello,
    I am trying this out on a K1000 v6.0 and is not working. I get all the way to the asset clarity piece where it prompts me to run a demo which fails noting no eligible custom fields to bind for demo. Here is the text from the asset clarity pop-up:
    Illustrate DB Details about what asset fields are currently being displayed

    Version Tested: 70402

    Features: This will show the basic meta data behind each Asset Field currently shown on the web page


    Open assets tab
    do a search if you like
    click on any asset
    Run demo
    An alert will show you what fields map to what with a basic query at the bottom
    Run the Demo! - bnerison 10 years ago
    • It has not been update to work with 6.0. 70402 is a 5.x build. Stay tuned. - GillySpy 10 years ago
Posted by: jaybee96 11 years ago
Red Belt

could  you add the KACE  tag to this question? ( or any other tag that is related to the question) to keep this site  more efficient.. thanks!

Posted by: chucksteel 11 years ago
Red Belt

I don't believe there is a way to choose which columns are shown in the assets module. There's at least one suggestion on the KACE User Voice site for this:



The second one would be nice but I would settle for being able to specify the columns per asset similar to how it's done in the service desk.

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