
Vista Error 1925

Hi, here's my situation. I'm logged into a Vista image with a standard user account. I then launch the Command Prompt as administrator and try to install a Windows Installer (MSI) package via the elevated cmd. IT prompts me with "Error 1925. You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as adminnistrator and ... the install fails. UAC is turned of, i played around with ALLUSERS property but still can't seem to solve the issue. The package installs a file in ProgramFiles\Application and also a few files/folders in UserProfile\AppData\LocalLow folder. I've also checked the ProgramFiles ACL is set to only let Users to Read & List folder only. Other groups like Administrators, System and Creator Owner has no single rights to even lsit the folders. I can't change this as this is the default settings. Has anyone come across the same issue?

On the other hand, my colleague, doing an acceptance testing claimed that the same MSI installs fine but the profile installation files are installed in the Administrator profile (the account used to run the install) instead of the current user profile (current logged in user).

Any help on this is much appreciated.

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