
Autocad R14

Hi All,
I'm packaging Autocad R14.0 and I just want to know where does the value of Serial Number, CD Key, Name, Organization, Dealer, and Dealer Telephone resides? All I can see is the value for serial number under this registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R14.0\ACAD-2455363:40736167\SerialNumber.
Can you help me for this one? I tried regmon, filemon but i cannot see anything related to that value. Thanks :)


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Answers (3)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
I can't imagine for a second that the serial number would be written in plain text. I *would* imagine that the MSI contains a Custom Action to encrypt and THEN write it to a location. The 'Package KB' for v15 mentions a couple of properties in the MSI. I'd explore that avenue.
Posted by: MSI* 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
It might also goto XML, INI or any configuation file that you might have in your package. Suggest you to check these files as well..

Posted by: tinkerbell 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi VBScab and MSI*,

I will try your suggestions.. thanks a lot :)
I will update you once I'm done..
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