
New Windows 7 Service Pack

(This topic applies to both the K2000 and K1000, so feel free to move, duplicate, or cross-link it.)

When Microsoft release a new Service Pack, like the new Service Pack 1 for Windows 7, what parts of the K2000 and K1000 are affected? In other words, in how many places in the user interface does the new service pack appear?

How does KACE make these changes? And about how long does it take, from the release of the Service Pack, to its appearance in the K2000 and K1000?

Finally, as a customer, once our KBOX server becomes aware of the new service pack, where do I need to make changes to fully support it? For example, I probably need to select it in the patches download list. What about in existing MIs or scripts? Where else?

I'm asking so we can plan for how and when we can incorporate Service Pack 1 into our Windows 7 deployments. Sande

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Answers (4)

Posted by: snissen 13 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt
Thanks, Chris. This is exactly the kind of think-through I was hoping for. Sande
Posted by: ncsutmf 13 years ago
Green Belt
There is an optional update the the Windows 7 AIK for SP1, not sure what changed, but it is not required for installing SP1. It also includes PE 3.1. Has anyone had a chance to test PE 3.1 to see if there are any issues using it as a base for a KBE, or have any idea what else you get with PE 3.1?
Posted by: airwolf 13 years ago
Red Belt
As far as the K1000 is concerned, it should start showing up in inventory immediately because the K1000 is simply looking at a registry key to detect it. Even if it didn't, you could always use a custom software inventory item.

I don't use security patching, so I'm not sure how long it will take for the service pack to become available in that module. I believe it should show up within a week or two.
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
The following doesn't speak to W7-SP1 specifically, just a few general notes on OS & SP updates. To further elaborate on implications- Many more things to consider; this list may be incomplete, but I'll try to think through all the options...

  • Best practice would be to either slipstream new service packs into your source media or deliver them with a postinstall task. (My personal preference is Postinstall for the following reasons)
  • If source media is updated you may need to recreate scripted installs to leverage the new media.
  • System images will potentially need to be recaptured if the SP is to be "in the image". Avoidable with a post install.

  • You'll certainly want to adjust your patch subscriptions when new SP's get released (and when older OS's & SP's fall out of your targets)- this is also considered a "care and feeding item" and should be done along with deleting unused patches from time to time. Consider delivering the SP via a managed install and unsubscribe from the old SP to minimize disk usage and replication share traffic.
  • Managed installations will not automatically support the new "OS"; Any software inventory record with an uploaded file will need to have the supported OS selected so MI's will work on the new SP level.
  • Scripts that have specific OS's selected (instead of a general Windows/Mac/Linux selection) will also need to be updated.
  • Smart labels that target by service pack level may need to be reconsidered.
  • Custom inventory rules and scripts can be affected if the OS or SP makes significant changes to the registry/shell (E.G. - Difference between XP and 7- Power management scripts are completely different.)
  • When new OS's are released (or beta tested) you may potentially see incorrect data in the computer inventory detail; this is always resolved when that new OS is officially supported in a server release. (This is generally not an issue with service packs.)
  • Agents may need to be upgraded- ensure you're using the latest client release. (This is generally not an issue with service packs.)
  • Reports may need to be adjusted if OS/SP was a filter criteria.

We do not automatically update managed records (anything you have modified/created)- because we do not want to impact your environment in unexpected ways. As someone who was a customer, I understand that this might be a bit less than optimal, but believe me the discomfort of running jobs against new SP's and/or OS's could be worse if it happened unexpectedly. These types of OS level updates are few and far between usually, so it's a rare painpoint luckily :)

  • cblake - I currently have my source media using Windows 7 and would like to change it to Windows 7 SP1 but according to my Jumpstart training video recordings I was told that if you change the source media all you have to do is make sure your sysprep is updated within Image Manager to point to the source media for scripted installs...is this not the case? I'm not really concerned about recapturing an image once SP1 is part of a clean scripted install I'm more concerned with updating the source media and gotchas that I need to be aware of.

    Thanks for any input. - ACAST 12 years ago
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