
Repackaging Instalshield applications using WISE

Has anyone created a document or remmeber seeing one anywhere that talks about this?? I have done some in the past for practice, but I am never sure if I cleaned it up correctly.

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: sikkert 18 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
If I have to repack an InstallShield, I usually just capture the installation, then remove any InstallShield files/registry entries I can find. Basically, just a capture like any other application.
But it can often be easier to just build a transform for the msi-file, and let the InstallScript Engine handle the installation.
The fact that you need a script engine to do the installtion is one of the things i REALLY dislice about InstallShield.
Posted by: turbokitty 18 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt
I remember seeing a post by Bob Kelly (admin) that said he was working on some training material for just this topic. Watch for it!
Posted by: bkelly 17 years ago
Red Belt
As promised!

Posted by: rpfenninger 17 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Great Video! Thanks Bob!

When I really have to repackage an InstallShield installation (with ISScript) I install the appropriate ISScript before I make the first Capture of the machine.
This way I make sure that the ISScript installation is not beeing captured and I get a clean MSI.
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