
Scripting to install 3 different files


i have 3 files to install in windows xp 32bit and 64bit and XP 32bit.

1st file is for XP 32bit

2nd files is for win 7 64 bit and

3rd file is for win 7 32 bit.

how do i write wise script to install these files if windows is xp 32bit or windows 7 64 bit or windows 7 32bit

i can able to in satll in XP 32 bit as if OS=5.1 and then in win 7 64 bit as if BITS=AMD64 but i cannot able to find if windows 7 32bit.

any help  

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Answers (2)

Posted by: erik.ragan 11 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

A quick and easy way to have a script detect if a machine is 32 vs 64 bit is the "Verify a directory exists..." Verify step in a script. If Program Files (x86) exists, we know we are looking at a 64 bit machine.

Posted by: mpace 11 years ago
Red Belt

You can use the Powershell Get-WmiObject command to find out the particular version number of OS. Tweak the following script to meet your needs: http://ss64.com/ps/get-wmiobject-win32.html

Build numbers correspond to the following OS versions:

2600 = Windows XP x86
3790 = Windows XP x64
7600= Windows 7 x86
7601 = Windows 7 x64
9200 = Windows 8 x86

Unfortunately I don't have a Win8 x64 virtual machine at my disposal right now for the build number. If someone could comment with that it might help those in the future.

  • I'd wholeheartedly endorse escaping from the dinosaur that is WiseScript. Using a more up-to-date language will open up a much wider world of control, not to say script examples! :-) - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
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