
Send daily emails to ticket owner with the open tickets for that owner.

I don't know much about SQL but i've been asked to accomplish the following.

We want to generate daily emails that contains only the open tickets per owner and send only those tickets to that owner.

I can accomplish this by creating an custom ticket rule with a SQL query based on the owners id or username en set the owners email adress in the recipients list. But we want to email only that user with those tickets so we have to create a lot of rules to do this. Is there another way to accomplish this? For example using variables in the SQL query and recipients list?


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Answers (2)

Posted by: Hobbsy 8 years ago
Red Belt

You could create a custom ticket rule using the wizard and schedule it to run once a day, within the rule set the criteria e.g. Active tickets only and then tick the  "Email each recipient in query result" box. Next form the email using the OWNER_EMAIL variable in "Column containing email addresses" and format the content with any other variables you want to use.

Using this method any analyst with an active ticket will get an email, every day, for every active ticket assigned to them.

Posted by: chucksteel 8 years ago
Red Belt
I don't think there's any way to do this with just one rule or report. I would use scheduled reports to accomplish this. You would have to create a separate report per user and schedule each report, however.

The only other alternative would be to use an external reporting tool that might include the ability to schedule reports like this. If I really wanted to do this programmatically I would setup a PHP system that would generate the emails and send them out.

  • Thanks for your reply. I also believe that it is not possible at the moment. I was hoping that i overlooked some possibility with SQL. - ewschop 8 years ago
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