
Silent install - Captaris Workflow Client


I have to package Captaris Workflow Client and I am not able to bypass the installation of framework 1.1 even if framework 1.1 is already installed. Does anyone have an idea how I could bypass this step?

Best regards

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Answers (91)

Posted by: MTannert 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
It would be very helpful if you provided some more information to those whom might like to help you.

Please answer these questions so we might get an idea of what your environment is like:
- Is the package from the vendor an MSI? An MSI embedded in an EXE? A straight EXE?
- What tools are you using or have available to you (Wise, AdminStudio, Orca, WiX, etc)?
- What processes have you tried already that do not work, so that we don't suggest them to you?
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

to respond to your questions, I use Wise and Orca. I can get admin studio if i need to use it.

Captaris workflow is a straigh EXE created with installshield, it has a .msi inside of the .exe but when i tried to use the msi, it told me to use the exe.

I tried to use the msi packaged inside of the exe.

I tried to install the framework 1.1 before captaris to see if it's gonna ask me to install framework 1.1 if it is already installed. I tried a silent install of the EXE but it missed because of the installation of framework 1.1

Thanks, best regards
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Searching this board produces this:
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Does anyone have ever packaged the Captaris workflow 5.x or previous version?

I need to package this program and then deploy it using SMS then I would like to know if it's possible.

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
I need to package this program
Why? It's an MSI already, isn't it? If you're having problems with the persistent .Net install, you need to research how AppSearch and LaunchConditions work.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
ok, I just got the MSI but when I try to lauch the MSI it said that I can not run directly the MSI and that I have to launch the setup.exe.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Almost certainly, the MSI was authored in InstallShield and will have a property ISSETUPDRIVEN set to 0. If so, set it to 1. If the property doesn't exist, create a transform for the MSI and add the property ISSETUPDRIVEN and set the value to 1. Make any other changes you require using the transform. Re-run the MSI and transform.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I created the property ISSETUPDRIVEN = 1 in a MST and then I ran the setup, and I got this error:

Error Number: 0x80020005
Description: the type mismatch

Setup will now terminate

do you have any idea what could it be ?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
I'll go out on a limb here....does the relevant row in the Property table look like this?

Property. .Value

If so, change it to:

Property. .Value

(BTW, the full stops/periods are there purely to stop the forum software messing up my spacing...)
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
that's what i've done and I got the error below

(property: issetupdriven value: 1)
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
Setup will now terminate
I don't know how I missed this...you're still run the set-up executable! You need to launch the MSI and MST via a command prompt, e.g.

. MSIEXEC /I "[path_to_and_name_of_MSI]" TRANSFORMS="[path_to_and_name_of_MSI]" [other arguments]
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
Setup will now terminate
I don't know how I missed this...you're still run the set-up executable! You need to launch the MSI and MST via a command prompt, e.g.

. MSIEXEC /I "[path_to_and_name_of_MSI]" TRANSFORMS="[path_to_and_name_of_MSI]" [other arguments]

that'S what I've done too!
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt

. MSIEXEC /I "[path_to_and_name_of_MSI]" ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 [other arguments]
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I got the error while the msi is trying to configure captaris workflow client then I don't really know what to do now!
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
please log the install, put the logfile on ftp server like senduit and post the link here.
See: http://itninja.com/question/what-is-pxe?3
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Well I can't use FTP Server in the environment where I am.

The msi seems to install the program and the error seems to come from the setup.exe
then now I have to find how to skip the error which come from the setup.exe
there is the log file

=== Logging started: 2008-05-15 12:39:47 ===
Action 12:39:47: INSTALL.
Action start 12:39:47: INSTALL.
Action 12:39:47: ISVerifyScriptingRuntime.
Action start 12:39:47: ISVerifyScriptingRuntime.
Action ended 12:39:48: ISVerifyScriptingRuntime. Return value 1.
Action 12:39:48: ISSetupFilesExtract.
Action start 12:39:48: ISSetupFilesExtract.
1: Starting to extract setup files
1: Getting SUPPORTDIR property :
1: Extracting SetupFiles to: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
1: Getting ISSetupFile table view
1: Executing ISSetupFile table view
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\cscript.exe
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\netfx.msi
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\InstMsi.exe
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\instmsiw.exe
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\netfx1.cab
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\TeamplateSetupUtils.dll
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\gacutil.exe
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\msiexec.exe
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\msvcr70.dll
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\RegAsm.exe
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\Interop.SQLDMO.dll
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\XmlModifier.exe
1: Extracting Setup File:
1: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}\license.txt
1: Settign SUPPORTDIR property to: C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
Action ended 12:40:02: ISSetupFilesExtract. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications
Action start 12:40:02: AppSearch.
Action ended 12:40:02: AppSearch. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications
Action start 12:40:02: FindRelatedProducts.
Action ended 12:40:02: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 0.
Action 12:40:02: ValidateProductID.
Action start 12:40:02: ValidateProductID.
Action ended 12:40:02: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: CostInitialize. Computing space requirements
Action start 12:40:02: CostInitialize.
Action ended 12:40:02: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: FileCost. Computing space requirements
Action start 12:40:02: FileCost.
Action ended 12:40:02: FileCost. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: IsolateComponents.
Action start 12:40:02: IsolateComponents.
Action ended 12:40:02: IsolateComponents. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: setUserProfileNT.
Action start 12:40:02: setUserProfileNT.
Action ended 12:40:02: setUserProfileNT. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: setAllUsersProfile2K.
Action start 12:40:02: setAllUsersProfile2K.
Action ended 12:40:02: setAllUsersProfile2K. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: CostFinalize. Computing space requirements
Action start 12:40:02: CostFinalize.
Action ended 12:40:02: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
Action 12:40:02: MigrateFeatureStates. Migrating feature states from related applications
Action start 12:40:02: MigrateFeatureStates.
Action ended 12:40:02: MigrateFeatureStates. Return value 0.
Action 12:40:02: ExecuteAction.
Action start 12:40:02: ExecuteAction.
Action start 12:40:02: INSTALL.
Action start 12:40:02: ISMsiServerStartup.
Action ended 12:40:02: ISMsiServerStartup. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:02: ISStartup.
1: The InstallScript engine version currently installed on this machine is adequate.
1: Event 'E404510' is created
1: GetInstallDriver, Can not find InstallDriver in ROT table, Return Code = 0x800401e3
1: {B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
1: Extract supporting files
1: Failed to extract IGdi.dll, Ignore it.
1: Ev1928744
Action ended 12:40:08: ISStartup. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: ISSetupFilesExtract.
Action ended 12:40:08: ISSetupFilesExtract. Return value 0.
Action start 12:40:08: ISRollbackCleanup.
Action ended 12:40:08: ISRollbackCleanup. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: AppSearch.
Action ended 12:40:08: AppSearch. Return value 0.
Action start 12:40:08: ValidateProductID.
Action ended 12:40:08: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: CostInitialize.
Action ended 12:40:08: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: FileCost.
Action ended 12:40:08: FileCost. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: IsolateComponents.
Action ended 12:40:08: IsolateComponents. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: CostFinalize.
Action ended 12:40:08: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: SetODBCFolders.
Action ended 12:40:08: SetODBCFolders. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: MigrateFeatureStates.
Action ended 12:40:08: MigrateFeatureStates. Return value 0.
Action start 12:40:08: InstallValidate.
Action ended 12:40:08: InstallValidate. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:08: RemoveExistingProducts.
Action ended 12:40:08: RemoveExistingProducts. Return value 0.
Action start 12:40:08: OnGeneratingMSIScript.
Action ended 12:40:09: OnGeneratingMSIScript. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: InstallInitialize.
Action ended 12:40:09: InstallInitialize. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: OnMoving.
Action ended 12:40:09: OnMoving. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: OnFeaturesInstalling.
Action ended 12:40:09: OnFeaturesInstalling. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: ProcessComponents.
Action ended 12:40:09: ProcessComponents. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnpublishComponents.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnpublishComponents. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: MsiUnpublishAssemblies.
Action ended 12:40:09: MsiUnpublishAssemblies. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnpublishFeatures.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnpublishFeatures. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: StopServices.
Action ended 12:40:09: StopServices. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: DeleteServices.
Action ended 12:40:09: DeleteServices. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnregisterComPlus.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnregisterComPlus. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: SelfUnregModules.
Action ended 12:40:09: SelfUnregModules. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnregisterTypeLibraries.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnregisterTypeLibraries. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RemoveODBC.
Action ended 12:40:09: RemoveODBC. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnregisterFonts.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnregisterFonts. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RemoveRegistryValues.
Action ended 12:40:09: RemoveRegistryValues. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnregisterClassInfo.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnregisterClassInfo. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnregisterExtensionInfo.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnregisterExtensionInfo. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnregisterProgIdInfo.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnregisterProgIdInfo. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: UnregisterMIMEInfo.
Action ended 12:40:09: UnregisterMIMEInfo. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RemoveIniValues.
Action ended 12:40:09: RemoveIniValues. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RemoveShortcuts.
Action ended 12:40:09: RemoveShortcuts. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RemoveEnvironmentStrings.
Action ended 12:40:09: RemoveEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RemoveDuplicateFiles.
Action ended 12:40:09: RemoveDuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RemoveFiles.
Action ended 12:40:09: RemoveFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RemoveFolders.
Action ended 12:40:09: RemoveFolders. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: CreateFolders.
Action ended 12:40:09: CreateFolders. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: MoveFiles.
Action ended 12:40:09: MoveFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: OnInstallFilesActionBefore.
Action ended 12:40:09: OnInstallFilesActionBefore. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: InstallFiles.
Action ended 12:40:09: InstallFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: OnInstallFilesActionAfter.
Action ended 12:40:09: OnInstallFilesActionAfter. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: PatchFiles.
Action ended 12:40:09: PatchFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: DuplicateFiles.
Action ended 12:40:09: DuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: BindImage.
Action ended 12:40:09: BindImage. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: CreateShortcuts.
Action ended 12:40:09: CreateShortcuts. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterClassInfo.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterClassInfo. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterExtensionInfo.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterExtensionInfo. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterProgIdInfo.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterProgIdInfo. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterMIMEInfo.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterMIMEInfo. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: WriteRegistryValues.
Action ended 12:40:09: WriteRegistryValues. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: WriteIniValues.
Action ended 12:40:09: WriteIniValues. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: WriteEnvironmentStrings.
Action ended 12:40:09: WriteEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterFonts.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterFonts. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: InstallODBC.
Action ended 12:40:09: InstallODBC. Return value 0.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterTypeLibraries.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterTypeLibraries. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: SelfRegModules.
Action ended 12:40:09: SelfRegModules. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterComPlus.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterComPlus. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: InstallServices.
Action ended 12:40:09: InstallServices. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: StartServices.
Action ended 12:40:09: StartServices. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterUser.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterUser. Return value 0.
Action start 12:40:09: RegisterProduct.
Action ended 12:40:09: RegisterProduct. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: PublishComponents.
Action ended 12:40:09: PublishComponents. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: MsiPublishAssemblies.
Action ended 12:40:09: MsiPublishAssemblies. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: PublishFeatures.
Action ended 12:40:09: PublishFeatures. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: PublishProduct.
Action ended 12:40:09: PublishProduct. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: OnFeaturesInstalled.
Action ended 12:40:09: OnFeaturesInstalled. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: OnMoved.
Action ended 12:40:09: OnMoved. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:09: OnGeneratedMSIScript.
Action ended 12:40:10: OnGeneratedMSIScript. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:10: InstallFinalize.
Action ended 12:40:12: InstallFinalize. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:12: ISRebootPatchHandler.
Action ended 12:40:12: ISRebootPatchHandler. Return value 1.
Action start 12:40:12: ISSetupFilesCleanup.
Action ended 12:40:12: ISSetupFilesCleanup. Return value 0.
Action start 12:40:12: ISCleanUpSuccess.
1: Shutting down the PRC server...
1: RPC server shut down.
Action ended 12:40:13: ISCleanUpSuccess. Return value 1.
Action ended 12:40:13: INSTALL. Return value 1.
1: MsiServerStartup ends
Action ended 12:43:38: ISMsiServerStartup. Return value 0.
Action ended 12:43:38: ExecuteAction. Return value 1.
Action 12:43:38: ISSetupFilesCleanup.
Action start 12:43:38: ISSetupFilesCleanup.
1: Standard project type, let scripting engine clean up setup files...skipping action
Action ended 12:43:39: ISSetupFilesCleanup. Return value 1.
Action ended 12:43:39: INSTALL. Return value 1.
=== Logging stopped: 2008-05-15 12:43:39 ===
MSI (c) (44:58) [12:43:39:282]: Product: Captaris Workflow Client -- Configuration completed successfully.
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
this logfile comes from successfull install with the setup.exe, isn't it?
We need a logfile, from a msi-only install attempt!
And do a full log (voicewarmup), search for the error and post the 50 lines above it.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
no this log file come from my command line

msiexec /i "captaris workflow.msi" ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 /qn /l e:\captaris\log.log
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
We need to have a verbose log to be able to see something useful information.
msiexec /i "captaris workflow.msi" ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 /qn /l*V e:\captaris\log.log

PLEASE do not post the whole log!
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
Well I can't use FTP Server in the environment where I am.

The msi seems to install the program and the error seems to come from the setup.exe

1. Use http://www.senduit.com. It's a standard HTTP site but with file upload capability. Usefully, you can set a time-out (up to a week) for the link which gets returned. It's a really useful tool for sites like this, where you want to share something but only for a limited time.

Also, I've used the 'code' tag before now for posting long-ish stuff which doesn't warrant using SendUit. Click the '<%' symbol which is just above the text area when you click 'Reply' or 'Quote'.

2. I'm confused. How is Setup.EXE involved if you're running a command-line with MSIExec?
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I got the same error when I uninstall the program

I'll post the logs soon
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
ok there is the error picture (this error happen at the end of the install / uninstall)


and there is the log file

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Aahhhhhhhh....it would appear that the MSI is calling another Setup program.

The only way you're going to know what's going on here is [yawn...] by using ProcMon. I'd start its capture a few seconds before this error message appears, to avoid eating up virtual memory as MSIExec runs.

I'd guess that whatever this secondary set-up is, it has a dependency on something which isn't present.

Plus, this kind of thing:

. Property(S): ALLUSERSPROFILE = C:\

must make for an exciting life...
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
ok, so how could I bypass the dependency? I will start a procmon capture in a second
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
You have 2 choices. You could either:
- comment-out the execution of the Custom Action which is executing the other Setup EXE; or
- find out what the dependency is and install it before running your package. If that dependency is non-MSI, then you have another package to create.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
There is the procmon log

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
I'm just looking at it...

Meanwhile, set your default filter to exclude all the Trend processes: they're just cluttering up your view.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Jean (which I'm guessing is your first name, judging from your username details in the log),

Do you have the corresponding verbose log from this session? If not, I need both in order to match the file entries in the ProcMon log with the name of the temp file created by the Custom Action.

Zip them both together before posting to SendUit: it'll make the download quicker for me and the upload quicker for you.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I put the procmon capture and the msi install logs in a .rar file http://senduit.com/08a8c4 (available for the next 5 days from today)

for the temp folder I remember the name was _isA when I ran the setup.exe but with the msi I didn't find it.
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
got a look at your files. It's not obvious for me, where this error occurs.
Could you tell us, in which phase of the setup this pup up is coming up.
This looks like a error in one of the Custom Actions for me (maybe a VBS one).
But there is no error exit code for CA in the log.
So could you maybe get the logfile, immediately when the error occurs.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
So could you maybe get the logfile, immediately when the error occurs.
What Nick means, in case it's not clear, is to copy the log file while the error is on-screen and then post that. That way, we don't have to wade through the additional chaff which gets written to the log afterwards.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
well, I re-captured the installation, and in the procmon I can't see what is the process name who make the error happen, then I can re-send the log file which will probably be like those I sent before. the error happen at the end of the installation, and the installation is not finish until I click "Ok" on the error. So would you see the log file and the procmon log file again?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt

As soon as the error message appears, browse to where the MSI log file 9forget ProcMon for the time being), copy the log file to, say, the %TEMP% folder and, when that's done, click OK.

Post the last 30 or so lines of the MSI log here, using the 'code' tag (by clicking the '<%' button which is just above the text area of the 'Reply to Message' window)
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
yes please do it like i suggested in my earlier post.
In this case, the error dialog works like a break point.
Logging is halted right there (well, sometimes it's delayed, but this is another story).
Then, we can see which action actually trows that error.
So copy away the logfile when the error occurs.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
The error happen approximately in this area.

Action ended 09:29:05: InstallFinalize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A0:CC) [09:29:05:258]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSIA6.tmp, Entrypoint: CheckRebootAndPatch
Action start 09:29:05: ISRebootPatchHandler.
MSI (s) (A0:78) [09:29:06:446]: Doing action: ISSetupFilesCleanup
Action ended 09:29:06: ISRebootPatchHandler. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A0:BC) [09:29:06:477]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSIA7.tmp, Entrypoint: SFCleanupEx
Action start 09:29:06: ISSetupFilesCleanup.
1: Standard project type, let scripting engine clean up setup files...skipping action
MSI (s) (A0:78) [09:29:06:649]: Doing action: ISCleanUpSuccess
Action ended 09:29:06: ISSetupFilesCleanup. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A0:20) [09:29:06:665]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSIA8.tmp, Entrypoint: CleanUp
Action start 09:29:06: ISCleanUpSuccess.
1: Shutting down the PRC server...
1: RPC server shut down.
Action ended 09:29:07: ISCleanUpSuccess. Return value 1.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
After I clicked "ok" on the error, the following logs happened: (sorry if I post the log here)

Action ended 09:29:07: INSTALL. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (312) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (311) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (310) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (309) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (308) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (307) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (306) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (305) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (304) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (303) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (302) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (301) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (300) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (299) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (298) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (297) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (296) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (295) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (294) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (293) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (292) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (291) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (290) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (289) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (288) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (287) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (286) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (285) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (284) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (283) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (282) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (281) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (280) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (279) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (278) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (277) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (276) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (275) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (274) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (273) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (272) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (271) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (270) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (269) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (268) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (267) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (266) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (265) of type 790531 for thread 2148
MSI (s) (A0!64) [09:31:09:146]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (264) of type 790531 for thread 2148
1: MsiServerStartup ends
Action ended 09:31:09: ISMsiServerStartup. Return value 0.
Property(S): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0
Property(S): ServicePackLevel = 2
Property(S): WindowsBuild = 2600
Property(S): DiskPrompt = [1]
Property(S): VersionMsi = 3.01
Property(S): VersionDatabase = 200
Property(S): CLIENTPROCESSID = 3980
Property(S): UpgradeCode = {F0ECC777-EE57-4153-AEE3-6E945B12F237}
Property(S): CLIENTUILEVEL = 3
Property(S): VersionNT = 501
Property(S): TARGETDIR = C:\
Property(S): INSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\
Property(S): ASSEMBLYREDIRECTIONPOLICIES = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\AssemblyRedirectionPolicies\
Property(S): AdminToolsFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Outils d'administration\
Property(S): AppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Application Data\
Property(S): CLIENT = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\
Property(S): CLIENT1 = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\
Property(S): CLIENTOUTLOOKADDON = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\ClientOutlookAddOn\
Property(S): CLIENTOUTLOOKADDON1 = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\ClientOutlookAddOn\
Property(S): CLIENTOUTLOOKFORM = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\ClientOutlookForm\
Property(S): CLIENTOUTLOOKFORM1 = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\ClientOutlookForm\
Property(S): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\
Property(S): CommonFiles64Folder = C:\
Property(S): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\
Property(S): DATA = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Data\
Property(S): DesktopFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Bureau\
Property(S): FavoritesFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Favoris\
Property(S): FontsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\
Property(S): GlobalAssemblyCache = C:\
Property(S): PRODUCTBRANDING = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\ProductBranding\
Property(S): ICONS = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\ProductBranding\Icons\
Property(S): IMAGES = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\ProductBranding\Images\
Property(S): MY_PRODUCT_NAME = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\
Property(S): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\
Property(S): ISMyCompanyDir = C:\Program Files\My Company Name\
Property(S): ISMyProductDir = C:\Program Files\My Company Name\My Product Name\
Property(S): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Local Settings\Application Data\
Property(S): TEAMPLATE = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\
Property(S): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Mes documents\Mes images\
Property(S): PersonalFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Mes documents\
Property(S): PrimaryVolumePath = C:\
Property(S): ProgramFiles64Folder = C:\
Property(S): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\
Property(S): SIMULATOR = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Simulator\
Property(S): SendToFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\SendTo\
Property(S): StartMenuFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\
Property(S): StartupFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage\
Property(S): System16Folder = C:\WINDOWS\system\
Property(S): System64Folder = C:\
Property(S): SystemFolder = C:\WINDOWS\system32\
Property(S): SourceDir = C:\Captaris\
Property(S): TempFolder = C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\
Property(S): TemplateFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Modèles\
Property(S): USERPROFILE = C:\
Property(S): WindowsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\
Property(S): WindowsVolume = C:\
Property(S): ZH_CHS = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\zh-CHS\
Property(S): ZH_CHS1 = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\zh-chs\
Property(S): teampl_1_teamplate = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Captaris Workflow\
Property(S): newfolder1 = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Captaris Workflow\Captaris Workflow Outlook Setups\
Property(S): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Captaris
Property(S): ISSETUPDRIVEN = 1
Property(S): IsAdminPackage = 1
Property(S): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(S): ProductState = -1
Property(S): PackageCode = {BC7C34EF-8015-4968-99D9-B3EA4557EE4E}
Property(S): _Typical2 = &Typical
Property(S): Yes__I_want_to_view_the_ReadMe_file. = Yes, I want to view the ReadMe file.
Property(S): Yes__I_want_to_launch__p_now. = Yes, I want to launch %p now.
Property(S): _Modify = &Modify
Property(S): _Anyone_who_uses_this_computer__all_users_ = &Anyone who uses this computer (all users)
Property(S): NewProperty11 = 0
Property(S): ARPCOMMENTS = v1
Property(S): ARPURLINFOABOUT = http://www.Teamplate.com
Property(S): DWUSINTERVAL = 30
Property(S): DefaultUIFont = Tahoma8
Property(S): ISSCRIPT_VERSION_MISSING = The InstallScript engine is missing from this machine. If available, please run ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance.
Property(S): ISSCRIPT_VERSION_OLD = The InstallScript engine on this machine is older than the version required to run this setup. If available, please install the latest version of ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance.
Property(S): ISVROOT_PORT_NO = 0
Property(S): Manufacturer = Captaris, Inc.
Property(S): NewProperty1 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty10 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty12 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty13 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty14 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty15 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty16 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty2 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty3 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty4 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty5 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty6 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty7 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty8 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty9 = 0
Property(S): ProductCode = {B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
Property(S): ProductName = Captaris Workflow Client
Property(S): ProductVersion =
Property(S): REBOOT = Suppress
Property(S): STANDARD_USE_SETUPEXE = This installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe.
Property(S): ARPINSTALLLOCATION = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\
Property(S): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(S): MsiNTProductType = 1
Property(S): RemoteAdminTS = 1
Property(S): NetHoodFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Voisinage réseau\
Property(S): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Voisinage d'impression\
Property(S): RecentFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Recent\
Property(S): GPTSupport = 1
Property(S): OLEAdvtSupport = 1
Property(S): ShellAdvtSupport = 1
Property(S): Intel = 6
Property(S): PhysicalMemory = 500
Property(S): VirtualMemory = 935
Property(S): AdminUser = 1
Property(S): LogonUser = poujea02
Property(S): UserSID = S-1-5-21-840047881-3265854938-4175432045-5674
Property(S): UserLanguageID = 3084
Property(S): ComputerName = POUJEA01VM1
Property(S): SystemLanguageID = 3084
Property(S): ScreenX = 1221
Property(S): ScreenY = 750
Property(S): CaptionHeight = 26
Property(S): BorderTop = 1
Property(S): BorderSide = 1
Property(S): TextHeight = 16
Property(S): ColorBits = 32
Property(S): TTCSupport = 1
Property(S): Time = 09:31:09
Property(S): Date = 2008-05-20
Property(S): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 2.0.50727.1433
Property(S): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 5.1.2600.3019
Property(S): RedirectedDllSupport = 2
Property(S): Privileged = 1
Property(S): USERNAME = TCN
Property(S): COMPANYNAME = Sogique
Property(S): DATABASE = C:\WINDOWS\Installer\38d699.msi
Property(S): OriginalDatabase = C:\Captaris\captaris workflow client.msi
Property(S): UILevel = 2
Property(S): ISStartupEvent = E2714986
Property(S): ff9ef67406aa11d5ab9800b0d02332eb = g
Property(S): SUPPORTDIR = C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
Property(S): ROOTDRIVE = C:\
Property(S): CostingComplete = 1
Property(S): OutOfDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 0
Property(S): INSTALLLEVEL = 1
Property(S): SOURCEDIR = C:\Captaris\
Property(S): SourcedirProduct = {B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1
MSI (s) (A0:78) [09:31:09:224]: Note: 1: 1707
MSI (s) (A0:78) [09:31:09:224]: Product: Captaris Workflow Client -- Installation operation completed successfully.
MSI (s) (A0:78) [09:31:09:239]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist
MSI (s) (A0:78) [09:31:09:239]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
MSI (s) (A0:84) [09:31:09:239]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (A0:D8) [09:31:09:239]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
=== Logging stopped: 2008-05-20 09:31:09 ===
MSI (c) (8C:D4) [09:31:09:349]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (8C:D4) [09:31:09:349]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
=== Verbose logging stopped: 2008-05-20 09:31:09 ===
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
The error happen approximately in this area.
No, there's no error there. Try the 20-odd lines before these. USE THE 'CODE' TAG - it produces a scrolling TextArea, rather than making your post so long.
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt

Please wrap your log information between the CODE tag
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
The error pop-up in this area but like you said it doesn't have any error

1: Standard project type, let scripting engine clean up setup files...skipping action
MSI (s) (A0:18) [09:45:16:509]: Doing action: ISCleanUpSuccess
Action ended 09:45:16: ISSetupFilesCleanup. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A0:CC) [09:45:16:524]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSIE1.tmp, Entrypoint: CleanUp
Action start 09:45:16: ISCleanUpSuccess.
1: Shutting down the PRC server...
1: RPC server shut down.
Action ended 09:45:17: ISCleanUpSuccess. Return value 1.

there is a picture with the log and the error http://senduit.com/f342ce

and then when I clicked "Ok" on the error the following log happened

Action ended 09:45:17: INSTALL. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (639) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (638) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (637) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (636) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (635) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (634) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (633) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (632) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (631) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (630) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (629) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (628) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (627) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (626) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (625) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (624) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (623) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (622) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (621) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (620) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (619) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (618) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (617) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (616) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (615) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (614) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (613) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (612) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (611) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (610) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (609) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (608) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (607) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (606) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (605) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (604) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (603) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (602) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (601) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (600) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (599) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (598) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (597) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (596) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (595) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (594) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (593) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (592) of type 790531 for thread 3692
MSI (s) (A0!6C) [09:48:49:436]: Leaked MSIHANDLE (591) of type 790531 for thread 3692
1: MsiServerStartup ends
Action ended 09:48:49: ISMsiServerStartup. Return value 0.
Property(S): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0
Property(S): ServicePackLevel = 2
Property(S): WindowsBuild = 2600
Property(S): DiskPrompt = [1]
Property(S): VersionMsi = 3.01
Property(S): VersionDatabase = 200
Property(S): CLIENTPROCESSID = 2364
Property(S): UpgradeCode = {F0ECC777-EE57-4153-AEE3-6E945B12F237}
Property(S): CLIENTUILEVEL = 3
Property(S): VersionNT = 501
Property(S): TARGETDIR = C:\
Property(S): INSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\
Property(S): ASSEMBLYREDIRECTIONPOLICIES = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\AssemblyRedirectionPolicies\
Property(S): AdminToolsFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Outils d'administration\
Property(S): AppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Application Data\
Property(S): CLIENT = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\
Property(S): CLIENT1 = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\
Property(S): CLIENTOUTLOOKADDON = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\ClientOutlookAddOn\
Property(S): CLIENTOUTLOOKADDON1 = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\ClientOutlookAddOn\
Property(S): CLIENTOUTLOOKFORM = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\ClientOutlookForm\
Property(S): CLIENTOUTLOOKFORM1 = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Client\ClientOutlookForm\
Property(S): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\
Property(S): CommonFiles64Folder = C:\
Property(S): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\
Property(S): DATA = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Data\
Property(S): DesktopFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Bureau\
Property(S): FavoritesFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Favoris\
Property(S): FontsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\
Property(S): GlobalAssemblyCache = C:\
Property(S): PRODUCTBRANDING = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\ProductBranding\
Property(S): ICONS = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\ProductBranding\Icons\
Property(S): IMAGES = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\ProductBranding\Images\
Property(S): MY_PRODUCT_NAME = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\
Property(S): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\
Property(S): ISMyCompanyDir = C:\Program Files\My Company Name\
Property(S): ISMyProductDir = C:\Program Files\My Company Name\My Product Name\
Property(S): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Local Settings\Application Data\
Property(S): TEAMPLATE = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\
Property(S): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Mes documents\Mes images\
Property(S): PersonalFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Mes documents\
Property(S): PrimaryVolumePath = C:\
Property(S): ProgramFiles64Folder = C:\
Property(S): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\
Property(S): SIMULATOR = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\Simulator\
Property(S): SendToFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\SendTo\
Property(S): StartMenuFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\
Property(S): StartupFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Démarrage\
Property(S): System16Folder = C:\WINDOWS\system\
Property(S): System64Folder = C:\
Property(S): SystemFolder = C:\WINDOWS\system32\
Property(S): SourceDir = C:\Captaris\
Property(S): TempFolder = C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\
Property(S): TemplateFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Modèles\
Property(S): USERPROFILE = C:\
Property(S): WindowsFolder = C:\WINDOWS\
Property(S): WindowsVolume = C:\
Property(S): ZH_CHS = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\zh-CHS\
Property(S): ZH_CHS1 = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\zh-chs\
Property(S): teampl_1_teamplate = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Captaris Workflow\
Property(S): newfolder1 = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Menu Démarrer\Programmes\Captaris Workflow\Captaris Workflow Outlook Setups\
Property(S): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Captaris
Property(S): ISSETUPDRIVEN = 1
Property(S): IsAdminPackage = 1
Property(S): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(S): ProductState = -1
Property(S): PackageCode = {BC7C34EF-8015-4968-99D9-B3EA4557EE4E}
Property(S): _Typical2 = &Typical
Property(S): Yes__I_want_to_view_the_ReadMe_file. = Yes, I want to view the ReadMe file.
Property(S): Yes__I_want_to_launch__p_now. = Yes, I want to launch %p now.
Property(S): _Modify = &Modify
Property(S): _Anyone_who_uses_this_computer__all_users_ = &Anyone who uses this computer (all users)
Property(S): NewProperty11 = 0
Property(S): ARPCOMMENTS = v1
Property(S): ARPURLINFOABOUT = http://www.Teamplate.com
Property(S): DWUSINTERVAL = 30
Property(S): DefaultUIFont = Tahoma8
Property(S): ISSCRIPT_VERSION_MISSING = The InstallScript engine is missing from this machine. If available, please run ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance.
Property(S): ISSCRIPT_VERSION_OLD = The InstallScript engine on this machine is older than the version required to run this setup. If available, please install the latest version of ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance.
Property(S): ISVROOT_PORT_NO = 0
Property(S): Manufacturer = Captaris, Inc.
Property(S): NewProperty1 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty10 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty12 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty13 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty14 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty15 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty16 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty2 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty3 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty4 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty5 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty6 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty7 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty8 = 0
Property(S): NewProperty9 = 0
Property(S): ProductCode = {B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
Property(S): ProductName = Captaris Workflow Client
Property(S): ProductVersion =
Property(S): REBOOT = Suppress
Property(S): STANDARD_USE_SETUPEXE = This installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe.
Property(S): ARPINSTALLLOCATION = C:\Program Files\Teamplate\Teamplate.NET\
Property(S): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(S): MsiNTProductType = 1
Property(S): RemoteAdminTS = 1
Property(S): NetHoodFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Voisinage réseau\
Property(S): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Voisinage d'impression\
Property(S): RecentFolder = C:\Documents and Settings\poujea02.REG00\Recent\
Property(S): GPTSupport = 1
Property(S): OLEAdvtSupport = 1
Property(S): ShellAdvtSupport = 1
Property(S): Intel = 6
Property(S): PhysicalMemory = 500
Property(S): VirtualMemory = 923
Property(S): AdminUser = 1
Property(S): LogonUser = poujea02
Property(S): UserSID = S-1-5-21-840047881-3265854938-4175432045-5674
Property(S): UserLanguageID = 3084
Property(S): ComputerName = POUJEA01VM1
Property(S): SystemLanguageID = 3084
Property(S): ScreenX = 1221
Property(S): ScreenY = 750
Property(S): CaptionHeight = 26
Property(S): BorderTop = 1
Property(S): BorderSide = 1
Property(S): TextHeight = 16
Property(S): ColorBits = 32
Property(S): TTCSupport = 1
Property(S): Time = 09:48:49
Property(S): Date = 2008-05-20
Property(S): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 2.0.50727.1433
Property(S): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 5.1.2600.3019
Property(S): RedirectedDllSupport = 2
Property(S): Privileged = 1
Property(S): USERNAME = TCN
Property(S): COMPANYNAME = Sogique
Property(S): DATABASE = C:\WINDOWS\Installer\38d71b.msi
Property(S): OriginalDatabase = C:\Captaris\captaris workflow client.msi
Property(S): UILevel = 2
Property(S): ISStartupEvent = E4341843
Property(S): ff9ef67406aa11d5ab9800b0d02332eb = g
Property(S): SUPPORTDIR = C:\DOCUME~1\POUJEA~1.REG\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
Property(S): ROOTDRIVE = C:\
Property(S): CostingComplete = 1
Property(S): OutOfDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 0
Property(S): INSTALLLEVEL = 1
Property(S): SOURCEDIR = C:\Captaris\
Property(S): SourcedirProduct = {B5615BCF-7582-40A1-8513-5630C5E7F281}
Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1
MSI (s) (A0:18) [09:48:49:576]: Note: 1: 1707
MSI (s) (A0:18) [09:48:49:576]: Product: Captaris Workflow Client -- Installation operation completed successfully.
MSI (s) (A0:18) [09:48:49:592]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist
MSI (s) (A0:18) [09:48:49:592]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
MSI (s) (A0:EC) [09:48:49:592]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (A0:C8) [09:48:49:592]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
=== Logging stopped: 2008-05-20 09:48:49 ===
MSI (c) (3C:54) [09:48:49:608]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (3C:54) [09:48:49:608]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
=== Verbose logging stopped: 2008-05-20 09:48:49 ===
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt


Please wrap your log information between the CODE tag

sorry, I just found it
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt

- we're getting nowhere with the partial logs; and
- I'm not sure that SMS Trace captures everything we're interested in. nstead, run the MSI on a clean-build box using MSIExec:

. MSIExec /i "[path_to_and_nameof_MSI]" TRANSFORMS="[path_to_and_nameof_MSI]" /l*v %temp%\captaris.log

then post %temp%\captaris.log to SendUit.com
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
ok, I will try that as soon as I'm able to find the ISScript setup on the internet because my clean build box doesn't have it!
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
could you please also post the entries from the custom action table.
ORCA; Select all lines, press Shift-Ctrl-C and paste it here (as code).
Regards, Nick
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
ok, I will try that as soon as I'm able to find the ISScript setup on the internet because my clean build box doesn't have it!
This kind of implies that you've been doing this on a "dirty" box. I really hope not...
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
ok, I will try that as soon as I'm able to find the ISScript setup on the internet because my clean build box doesn't have it!
This kind of implies that you've been doing this on a "dirty" box. I really hope not...

No, it's a clean vmware box that i've just mounted
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Ok guys !

there is the log file
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
i was asking for the "Custom Action" table, not the "Action Text" table!
This one doesn't help in finding anything.
Please correct it.
Then i would like to see the "Command line" entry in a MSI log, when the setup was started through setup.exe.
Maybe there is a property passing going on from "setup.exe" to the MSI.
To make this work, set the logfile policy like this: http://itninja.com/question/what-is-pxe?3
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
sorry nheim,
there is the Custom Action table from Orca

ISCleanUpFatalExit 1 ISScriptBridge.dll CleanUp
ISCleanUpSuccess 1 ISScriptBridge.dll CleanUp
ISCleanUpSuspend 1 ISScriptBridge.dll CleanUp
ISCleanUpUserTerminate 1 ISScriptBridge.dll CleanUp
ISMsiServerStartup 193 ISScriptBridge.dll MsiServerStartup
ISStartup 1 ISScriptBridge.dll StartUp
ISVerifyScriptingRuntime 1 ISScriptBridge.dll VerifyScriptingRuntime
ISRebootPatchHandler 1 ISScriptBridge.dll CheckRebootAndPatch
ISRollbackCleanup 1 ISScriptBridge.dll CleanUpUninstallRollback
ISSetupFilesCleanup 257 ISSetupFilesHelper SFCleanupEx
ISSetupFilesExtract 257 ISSetupFilesHelper SFStartupEx
OnCheckSilentInstall 1 ISScriptBridge.dll CheckSilentInstall
OnFeaturesInstalled 3073 ISScriptBridge.dll FeaturesInstalled
OnFeaturesInstalling 3073 ISScriptBridge.dll FeaturesInstalling
OnGeneratedMSIScript 1 ISScriptBridge.dll GeneratedMSIScript
OnGeneratingMSIScript 1 ISScriptBridge.dll GeneratingMSIScript
OnInstallFilesActionAfter 3073 ISScriptBridge.dll InstallFilesActionAfter
OnInstallFilesActionBefore 3073 ISScriptBridge.dll InstallFilesActionBefore
OnMoved 3073 ISScriptBridge.dll Moved
OnMoving 3073 ISScriptBridge.dll Moving
SetAllUsersProfileNT 51 ALLUSERSPROFILE [%SystemRoot]\Profiles\All Users

Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
just a long shot:
Try to disable the "ISSetupFilesCleanup" action temporary in "InstallExecuteSequence".
Regards, Nick
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
An even longer shot....this couldn't be the old InstallShield driver COM+ identity issue, could it?
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Hi Jean,
i was asking for the "Custom Action" table, not the "Action Text" table!
This one doesn't help in finding anything.
Please correct it.
Then i would like to see the "Command line" entry in a MSI log, when the setup was started through setup.exe.
Maybe there is a property passing going on from "setup.exe" to the MSI.
To make this work, set the logfile policy like this: http://itninja.com/question/what-is-pxe?3
Regards, Nick

Which switch do you want me to use?

I use l*v
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Which switch do you want me to use?
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Hi Jean,
just a long shot:
Try to disable the "ISSetupFilesCleanup" action temporary in "InstallExecuteSequence".
Regards, Nick

I tried to disable the ISSetupFilesCleanup action in the InstallExecuteSequence and it still pop-up me the error at the end of the installation
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I made the registry key for the voicewarmup.. after do I only have to start the msi ?? ( i've never tried the voicewarmup)
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
Yes that's correct jmpouliot,

However if you use windows installer 3.1 I would add the x log option too to give the log file and us some extra information.
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
no don't start the MSI!
Start it with the "setup.exe", like i told you earlier.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
Sorry Nick, missed that one :D
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
where should i obtain the log from the voicewarmup after the installation using the setup.exe
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
Enter %temp% from Start-Menu->Run
sort on modify column and get the latest if more then one MSIxxxxx.LOG file where xxxxx is uniq each time an MSI log file is generated.
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
in the 'MSIb14bf.LOG' logfile, search for "command line". On the first occurrence, you find the hole command line, with which the "setup.exe" called the MSI.
Start your MSI direct with this command line (quite long, more than 1000 chars!) and see, if there is any difference.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I lauched the installation using the Command Line you told me to use..

I got this error http://senduit.com/31c2ca

Now I guess I should create a response file using the setup.exe am I right?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
Now I guess I should create a response file using the setup.exe am I right?
Or do like it says, bypass the OnMSISilentInstall Custom Action. You would typically do that by setting an impossible-to-meet condition of the Custom Action. When I do that, I make it clear what's going on by using a simple condition, i.e. IF 0=1. Conditions don't come much more impossible to meet than that.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
Now I guess I should create a response file using the setup.exe am I right?
Or do like it says, bypass the OnMSISilentInstall Custom Action. You would typically do that by setting an impossible-to-meet condition of the Custom Action. When I do that, I make it clear what's going on by using a simple condition, i.e. IF 0=1. Conditions don't come much more impossible to meet than that.

well I don'T have the action OnMSISilentInstall, I only have the action OnCheckSilentInstall.

Should I create the action and then set as condition if 0=1?
Posted by: AngelD 16 years ago
Red Belt
Yes, that's the action Ian mean.
Look up to prevent InstallShield setup.exe wrapper/bootstrap
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

I created an Action in CustomAction

Action: OnMSISilentInstall

where should I put the if 0=1 condition
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
No, Jean. It was my mistake talking about OnMSISilentInstall. Place the condition on the existing OnCheckSilentInstall Custom Action. See posts 65 and 66.
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
this error comes from the /qb switch, which tells the installer to run in silent mode with a bare progress dialog.
To check if the big command line works, just omit the /qb flag and watch for the error in question to show up.
To run it silent, you need to disable the 'OnCheckSilentInstall' CA, like Ian+Kim told you.

Did some further comparison of your logs and found this:
ALLUSERS=1 is set from the setup.exe, but not in the MSI.
Only the 'DefaultFeature' is installed from the setup.exe. This is done by the ADDLOCAL=DefaultFeature property.
OptionalToolsFeature; TeamplateIDEFeature;TeamplateSimulationTool; TeamplateUserAdminFeature are not installed, when run from setup.exe.

Give this command line a try:
msiexec /i "captaris workflow client.msi" ADDLOCAL=DefaultFeature ALLUSERS=1

Hope, this lets you make some real progress.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Give this command line a try:
msiexec /i "captaris workflow client.msi" ADDLOCAL=DefaultFeature ALLUSERS=1

I tried the command line above, and I got the error:

1: the installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI Package. You must run the setup.exe
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

No, Jean. It was my mistake talking about OnMSISilentInstall. Place the condition on the existing OnCheckSilentInstall Custom Action. See posts 65 and 66.

then if I am right, I have to put if 0=1 in the OnCheckSilentInstall Custom Action ? I mean in the Target section.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
obviously, this can't work :-)
msiexec /i "captaris workflow client.msi" ADDLOCAL=DefaultFeature ALLUSERS=1 ISSETUPDRIVEN=1

Regards, Nick

ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
I tried the command line above, and I got the error:
1: the installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI Package. You must run the setup.exe
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
ORIGINAL: jmpouliot


No, Jean. It was my mistake talking about OnMSISilentInstall. Place the condition on the existing OnCheckSilentInstall Custom Action. See posts 65 and 66.

then if I am right, I have to put if 0=1 in the OnCheckSilentInstall Custom Action ? I mean in the Target section.

that doesn't work.. it's asking me if the package exist
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Hi Jean,
obviously, this can't work :-)
msiexec /i "captaris workflow client.msi" ADDLOCAL=DefaultFeature ALLUSERS=1 ISSETUPDRIVEN=1

Regards, Nick

ORIGINAL: jmpouliot
I tried the command line above, and I got the error:
1: the installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI Package. You must run the setup.exe

Then when I executed this command line I got this error again

Error Number: 0x80020005
Description: the type mismatch

Setup will now terminate
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Jean, post the WSI/MSI to http://www.senduit.com and post the link in a reply. It'll save us all a heap of time...
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Jean, post the WSI/MSI to http://www.senduit.com and post the link in a reply. It'll save us all a heap of time...

Do you mean the log or the MSI opened with orca?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
I mean the actual MSI. There may be a problem, though: Senduit is restricted to files of 100Mb or less...
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
ok there is the msi

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Try this MST http://senduit.com/8e7797. It's a huge kludge, in that I've bypassed all the InstallShield actions with the impossible-to-meet condition 'IF 0=1', but it should do what you want.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Thanks for the MST file,

but I still get the error and it seems to be installed =/

Error Number: 0x80020005
Description: the type mismatch

Setup will now terminate

And even while i'm uninstalling Captaris Workflow I get the same error

there are the log files

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Jean, it looks like I missed adding an appropriate condition to the 'ISStartup' Custom Action (line 514 of MSI65393.LOG. I'm sure you can take care of that.
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I guess you mean this action

Property(S): ISStartupEvent = E252169 ?? if i'm right, I guess I have to change the type of the ISStartup CustomAction using Orca?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
Well, the line you quote isn't an action line but a property one but you're right about the action itself, ISStartUp. Indeed, if you find any other CAs which calls DLL functions and whose name begins with 'IS' to which I didn't apply that condition, then add it by all means. You can use Orca, InstEdit or your regular authoring tool, it doesn't matter which.
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
i think, i discovered the bitching action.
It's 'ISCleanUpSuccess -1' in the 'InstallExecuteSequence' table.
I also can't see any usefull Custom Actions with ISScript in it. Therefore, disabling the hole ISScript stuff seems ok for me.
This has the advantage of not needing the 'ISScriptengine.msi' anymore.
Use Ian's MST and additionally drop the line 'ISCleanUpSuccess -1' in 'InstallExecuteSequence' table.
You should also set the 'ALLUSERS' property to '1' in the property table.
Then save it under a new name.
This should do the trick.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
'InstallExecuteSequence' ORIGINAL: nheim

Hi Jean,
i think, i discovered the bitching action.
It's 'ISCleanUpSuccess -1' in the 'InstallExecuteSequence' table.
I also can't see any usefull Custom Actions with ISScript in it. Therefore, disabling the hole ISScript stuff seems ok for me.
This has the advantage of not needing the 'ISScriptengine.msi' anymore.
Use Ian's MST and additionally drop the line 'ISCleanUpSuccess -1' in 'InstallExecuteSequence' table.
You should also set the 'ALLUSERS' property to '1' in the property table.
Then save it under a new name.
This should do the trick.
Regards, Nick

Ok, If I understand, I have to modify the Ian's MST file to drop the ISCleanUpSuccess -1 and then test the installation. Or I have to drop all the ISScript stuff of the MSI
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
just drop the line 'ISCleanUpSuccess' and test it.
You shouldn't need the ISScript.msi anymore.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I droped the line ISCleanUpSuccess -1, I ran the installation. I got this error message.

To run a silent install you must either specify an answer file or override this event (OnMsiSilentInstall()) and provide your own implementation.
The setup will now end.

Did I've done something wrong?
Posted by: nheim 16 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Jean,
you had this error before, didn't you?
See: http://www.appdeploy.com/messageboards/fb.asp?m=35668
Go to the 'InstallExecuteSequence' table and set the 0=1 condition on the line 'OnCheckSilentInstall 5' to disable it.
Regards, Nick
Posted by: jmpouliot 16 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

I will have a look on that
Posted by: jmpouliot 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
hey whats up guys,

sorry, I was not at the office since the last post.

I restarted to work on this product, but actually the log file told me that I don't have any ISScript installed, how could I know which version of ISScript should I install? to be able to continue to work on the packaging of captaris and then see if its gonna work this time.


Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Hi, Jean.

Review posts 82-90. You need to stop all of the Custom Actions prefixed 'IS'. If you look back over those posts, you just need to take the MST I posted and add a condition to one last CA, ISCleanUpSuccess.
Rating comments in this legacy AppDeploy message board thread won't reorder them,
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