
Trying a multi-step uninstall and install all in one script. First step isn't working, but it should.


MsiExec.exe /X{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AA1000000001} /QN
ping -n 180
"C:\Install\Adobe Reader 10.0.0\setup.exe"
ping -n 240
"C:\Install\TotalEAtlas Client 3.8b4\Silent Fresh Install\Setup.exe" /s /f1"C:\Install\TotalEAtlas Client 3.8b4\Silent Fresh Install\Setup.iss"
ping -n 480
"C:\Install\TotalEAtlas Client 3.8b4\Sigplussilent\sigplussilent.exe" EFB
ping -n 180
shutdown -f -r -t 20


First step is uninstalling the version of Adobe Reader that is on the machine so we can install the version that is compatible with our other software.

The part that is making me crazy is that if I run the first line in a script by itself it works perfectly.

I've also tested each line in seperate scripts and they all work perfectly.

I added the pings in between the steps to allow them time to complete before the next one kicks in.

Are the pings making the steps not work? Is this even possible to have this many steps in one script?


Thanks ahead of time for any help.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

I am assuming the pause's are there for trouble shooting, otherwise you would not need the pings.

in a batch you can use start /wait

start /wait MsiExec.exe /X{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AA1000000001} /QN
start /wait "C:\Install\Adobe Reader 10.0.0\setup.exe"
start /wait "C:\Install\TotalEAtlas Client 3.8b4\Silent Fresh Install\Setup.exe" /s /f1"C:\Install\TotalEAtlas Client 3.8b4\Silent Fresh Install\Setup.iss"
start /wait "C:\Install\TotalEAtlas Client 3.8b4\Sigplussilent\sigplussilent.exe" EFB
start /wait shutdown -f -r -t 20

added picture


  • how are you deploying this? - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • As a script in the K1000, Telling it to run a batch script with all these steps included. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
  • I copied and pasted what you wrote in your original post and the script ran step one and two almost immediately. THe bad part is the uninstall of Adobe reader (Step 1) didn't take place. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
  • not sure how you are copying the files to c:\install but see pic I added above. You should be able to upload your batch as a dependency and run it like this. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • The C:\install side of things is already taken care of ahead of time.
    So you're suggesting running the adobe uninstall as a verify then when that succeeds the rest of the bat script kicks off.

    That's smart. I'll try it.

    Thanks. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
  • Sadly that didn't seem to work either. It seems like it didn't even try and do the uninstall using that method, it went straight to the install of the correct version of Adobe Reader.

    Very odd. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
    • should of not done the install it if it failed. maybe it is deleting the files but not the keyset under uninstall for some reason - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • are you sure the x string is correct?
    check the registry hklm\software\microsofte\windows\currentversion\uninstall\ - whatever is the key set and look at the uninstall string. Search for adobe at the uninstall level.

    try running just the uninstall in a script first and see if it works by itself - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • Yes that string works perfectly by itself. I believe our situation has changed now though.
    They're wanting to install Adobe 10.1.4 instead of 10.0.0 so we may not have to do the uninstall after all.

    Thank you very much for the help though. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
Posted by: piyushnasa 11 years ago
Red Belt

ping is not required. If this is a batch script then all the executions will happen one after the other.

I would suggest you to change the /QN to nothing and see if there is an error message which comes.

you can also create a log file with /l*v switch to see what is the error while uninstalling the Adobe Reader.

  • It is a batch script yes. So the steps won't overlap each other? They'll wait til one process is finished?

    When I run the uninstall of Adobe reader by itself it works perfectly with the /QN. Sorry to disagree but I don't think that is the issue here. It's only when I include in the big script that it causes problems.

    Thanks for the help though. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
  • I just tried it with no pings and the script didn't wait for each step to complete. The install of Adobe started before the uninstall was finished. - AFCUjstrick 11 years ago
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