
Trying to use Verfiy A Registry Patter Match

I am trying to use Kace to Find all the Entery for Adoble Flash in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products in  the registery

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Answers (2)

Posted by: jknox 11 years ago
Red Belt

I'm not immediately aware of a way to return all version numbers for Flash in the registry, but it is most likely possible through shellcommandtextreturn if you can find a script that returns version numbers.

I don't have Flash installed on my test box, but I do have Reader.  You could use a custom inventory rule like the following to show results for a specific version (Substituting the GUID for Flash):


Or, in a script:

  • How do I make search for a for a Wild Card. cause if i have to go in an find the excite name in the registry i might as well delete it while i am in there. - spless 11 years ago
    • You would have to use a script outside of the K1000 most likely. Something like a .vbs or .bat file that returns all "Adobe Flash" keys or something like that.

      Tell me what you are trying to do with it and I might be able to advise further. - jknox 11 years ago
Posted by: spless 11 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt

Here is what i am try ing to run

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