
Does the quarantine script work?

When I run it, this is all I get

Output Log

Running as: SYSTEM

Activity Log

Checking if file exists: C:\Program Files\Dell\KACE\runkbot.exe

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Answers (3)

Posted by: philologist 12 years ago
Red Belt

I'm sorry, can you clarify what quarantine script you are running?

  • On the k1000 if you go into Scripting and then Security Policy, there is a Quarantine script for quarantining a PC. I didn't realize there were any others besides this. - callard 12 years ago
  • Anyone know? - callard 12 years ago
Posted by: ms01ak 12 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt

The quarrantine script checks to see if the runkbot.exe file is there if it is it doesn't do anything. If you change the check to runkbot1.exe it will fail and run the remediation which quarantinees the machine. It's more of a check for compliance and then if it doesn't meet the requirements then quarantine the machine.

Posted by: antisoshl 12 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt

The answer is yes and no.

The Quarantine script will function on Windows XP, but not Vista an newer. The reason for this is the API that is used is no longer available. The available APIs in the newer OSes don't have quite the same effect as well, so its not just a simple fix. On a side note there are GPOs that if set in XP can undo the modification the quarantince package puts in place so keep an eye out for the script reporting success, but after a reboot the box can access all network resources again.

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