
Getting SPAMMED by our own KBOX

When we delete machines from inventory, we get spammed by our KBOX because it adds a comment in EVERY TICKET ever created by or associated with that machine, that it has been deleted and the machine name was changed from "ABCMyMachine123" to  " " .  This has driven us nuts on the help desk and has made all our users angry with all the flurry of opening, reopening, closing of tickets emails.  We have tried to remember since the first instance of this issue to turn off email alerting when someone is going to do pc inventory cleanup, but inevitably someone forgets and we go thru this whole SPAM process again.  Has anyone run into this problem with their pc inventory management and service desk emails and is there a way to turn that feature off, rather than having to flip switches in every queue everytime we delete machines from inventory?

Thanks as always.


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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: ddevore 10 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt

Have you tried this:  http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/solutiondetail?sol=SOL112089 .  It worked on our unit.



  • That one works up to version 5.3, this one works for 5.4 (probably works for 5.5): http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/solutiondetail?sol=SOL111344 - jknox 10 years ago
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