
Increasing the size of the K1000 Service Desk dropdown windows

Is there a way to increase the size of the drop down window from 20 to something larger?. I'm talking about the window for "Owner:", "Machine:" etc. when working a ticket.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: jknox 10 years ago
Red Belt

It's not possible to change the size through the UI.  It might be possible that it could be customized by Professional Services, but there would likely be a cost involved.

Submit or vote on an enhancement request here: http://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000

It's similar to this one:  http://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000/suggestions/1908155-ticket-owner-drop-down-shows-all-owners

  • +1 for increasing the drop down size... I know I can filter, but it would be MUCH nicer to have a drop down with a scroll bar as well. - aintITcool 10 years ago
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